[REL] Grimarillion v91

I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask questions about grimarillion but I was wondering how the Barricade ability for the Outrider was supposed to work. I have been playing around with it and it doesn’t seem to do anything. It summons a wall but the wall can be shot through and walked through by enemies so it appears to have no function that I can figure out. I’m not sure if this is working as intended and I am just missing something or if it is a bug.

Probably a mistake. Some skill templates don’t work as intended.

Hi also at the same time, I have been testing the Vagabond (Outrider/Necrotic) and it seems the special skill “Stratagem of the Vagabond” doesn’t seem to have any effect at all as well. I do not know if other Stratagems work however.

Hi, I’ve been playing as Lord of undead (Necro/ D3 Necro), Its so much fun running around with an army of skeletons. i’m a little curious, has there been any modifications to the vanilla Necromancer?

No changes to vanilla masteries.

I was building my pyromancer but the ring of fire skill animations ruin the gameplay to me. it is too big that it looks very messy and also dropping my fps to half :frowning:

wish you could release a patch for that.
also can I still use the patch C and D version?

thank you for the good work

For me ,it works just fine :slight_smile:

Hi all,

First off, i want to just shoutout for the great work of the modders, in waiting for the expansion i’ve gathered some 3 digit nr of hours on this mod :smiley:

Currently rolling with the Strategist, Hunter+ D3 demon hunter, pistols dual wield. Playing softcore on elite at fort ikon currently, and even if i only have 9k life i got only 2 deaths on the char so far. i’m focusing pierce and bleed btw.

the class combo is great, dps is really nice and i just wanted to drop by my 2 cents so far:

Item wise for this class combo, Pistols drop or buy are precarious, i’m running yellows at lvl 84 if you can believe it.

Generally speaking, items with +skill that help my build are very rare, apart from the items which give +hunter or +1 demon hunter.

Basically i’m running mostly nightblade/soldier and other classes items, so i just wanted to ask if there are any legendary or set items present in this mod that empower my classes/build ?

another observation, is that i tend to get the same 4-5 items (mythical, empowered and legendary versions depending on the difficulty) over and over again, is it just my bad luck or is the loot table at my end screwed up in any way that skewes the drops and i see little variation in the drops?

Thank you again for the great mod! and i would just like to ask here what build combos did you find borderline OP or broken?

P.S. my build is kinda OP in terms of DPS except vs skeletons, pierce& bleed really suck against them :smiley:

To make something very clear, there are no cross-mod mastery support items. You will never find something that will be tailored to your D3/GQ class or your ZE/GQ class. It’s either GQ, D3, or ZE (very few of ZE items).

That said, to make things even bleaker still, at this moment, there are 0 ranged uniques for Hunting mastery. There are plenty of spears, but since the ranged uniques from TQ were bows I cannot import them due to animation issues. Maybe I’ll figure some way to get them into the game anyway but til then… nothing.

I’ll add this to my list of “urgent” things to add, but the best you can expect is a crafting recipe for green 2h crossbows/guns. 1h will be an issue, but I’ll see if I can figure something out.

To add to what ASYLUM already pointed out, there is a legendary set for D3 Demon Hunter, so if you keep at it, you can focus on the D3 Hunter side while filling whatever you need in the other slots by crafting at the Satyr for a chance to get +1 to GQ Hunting skills.

There is some very good equipment that grants +All skills, I mentioned earlier there are several Epic / Legendary Amulets at level 50 that gives +All Skills and are better than almost all Mythical level 94 equipment. The Level 50 Wedding Band- for example, gives +All skills with very generous levels of %OA and %DA [I received one legit from beating Log in Veteran]. I’m not asking for nerfs to them, as I’d rather caution on the side of being OP than not very powerful, but you’ll definitely feel a sense of progression as you’re looking to fill the rest of your equipment.

Very far down the road, it’d be nice to see equipment give skills to some of the new skills you’ve provided unique to this game, such as Force of Nature. It’s probably nowhere on your radar as you understandably have tons to do as it is, but it’s nice to think of the possibilities.

Yeah, I’d like to but it’s a long way away, if ever. Atm I’m working on a pretty big update (notably rogue/spirit class tweaks, huge ones) and then I’ll probably do some more items. Time will tell.

Things I want to do for GQ: [in order from most likely to most unlikely]
*Finish importing the melee weapons. Swords/Maces/Axes are on the agenda but most require updates.
*GQ bows, or at the very least “gun-ified” bows. Something to give bowhunters options.
*Add Emp/Myth versions of certain uniques.
*GQ MI, along with GQ enemies. Adding heroes/enemies who are not reliably farmable will be annoying so Idk how this will work. Maybe drop tokens instead and use tokens for crafting. /shrug
*GQ armor/sets, if anything it will be just helmets and I will have to do class sets using TQ helm + GD everything else.

So i just tried out the uncontrollable blaze part of earth mastery’s ring of flame and it does not appear to be doing anything. The enemies are only taking damage when they reach the normal radius. I tested it by walking towards stationary units and watching things move to me but they only take damage when they reach the normal part. All those extra graphics just don’t seem to mean anything.

I tried restarting and turning it off and on with the skill resetter but it just does not work.

Can anyone confirm if this is just a ME problem?

WOW :smiley: didn’t expect such great answers, thank you very much!

I didn’t know about the cross mods items, however i suspected i can either get D3 or TQ items, but more importantly i didn’t know about the bows situation and it makes perfect sense :smiley:

Anyway, i somehow screwed up my char as i updated the mod and didn’t make a backup… sooo i made a D3 demon hunter+ monk combo as i think it has a great amount of survivability and pierce phys and fire proves to be a great dps combo for the 2 classes.

i want to ask about the installment, i put v61 and then v61a on top with replacing files, however in game is says v60d, did i do something wrong or is it correct but it shows wrong in game?

Also, the item drop observation remains the same, the blue and purple drops seems to be around the 5-6 same items and only from time to time a new different item drops, and then again dropping the same items multiple times until a new/different one drops, do you happen to know if this is as intended by any chance?

Finally, really looking forward to the big updates mentioned <3 i always wanted to try rogue but the skills didn’t seem so appealing, and i find TQ classes to be lacking in terms of exclusive auras.

Cheers all and thank you very much for your input!

I believe the latest version of Grimarillion changed the transmuter from Uncontrollable Blaze to Chaotic Blaze. I can’t check the “live” version atm so I can’t say for sure. My Grimar definitely is showing Chaotic Blaze though.

Display in game could have been an error on my part. Check the changelog a few pages back and make sure the things you see there are ingame to verify.

Item drops will be improved further, there was a few things I missed the last pass.

Update should be soon, I hope. I’m working on the finishing touches for the Rogue update, then I need to update many items since I’ve changed lots of stuff with the Spirit/Rogue skills. I’m not worried about balance too much atm, it shouldn’t be TOO strong (or weak) I think, but I’ll let the ultimate completionists throw me some numbers if you play it, when it’s done.

Exclusives, well I am not crazy about exclusives, but I guess for some of the masteries they are needed and most of you guys really like them, so I’m trying to see what I can do.

I finished making a Spirit GQ pet build yesterday, and it’s very effective. I love the new pet skills and abilities, and I love how you’re not confined to a certain build philosophy to make things work (I’ve done both smaller number of pets with large % bonuses as well as large numbers of pets with low % damage. I was pleasantly surprised that you don’t need much pet % damage to be able to kill things in Ultimate, provided you have enough heavy-hitting pets).

Hopefully you reduce the Outrider cooldown like I requested; other than that, this GQ mastery is great (I have 12 points in Insidious Miasma and 12 points in Necrosis, so if those skills get removed, I’ll have to put those points back in). The number of possibilities excites me to no end.

Definitely you’re using non-latest version, uncontrollable blaze was changed and renamed to Chaotic Blaze with -%chaos RR.

Upgrade to v61b http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showpost.php?p=667271&postcount=231

And if you did everything right you’ll see this

Good to hear that, waiting patiently for next update :slight_smile:

Ok i realized my problem. I was using colorful grimaril and didn’t realize i didn’t need it anymore. Forgive me if that was part of the installation instructions but it seems i missed it if it was.

Good to know its no longer needed. Explains why all my tooltips were outdated.

Colorful grimarillion? :confused:

Here is an item color coding file for Grimarillion v61b.
See here for usage. And be sure to delete an old version.

Please note that some of the D3 items are indicated by prefix color because Epic and Legendary items are the same name. Also, there are some items for which it is unknown whether it is Epic or Legendary (Forgotten Soul, Hellfire, Omnislash, etc…).

Here you go. I thought that it would change to a new version soon, so I did not upload, sorry.

Ok so looks like I’m just about done with what I planned to do for the next patch, does anyone have any last minute bug reports before I pack it up? I’ll post the changelog when I get home from work today (eta 7 hours from now) and maybe you guys can point out things I may have overlooked