[REL] Grimarillion v91

Right, I renamed the file, but you said the localization folder can be deleted? Is that the “text_en” folder in the same directory?

“text_cs.arc, text_de.arc, test_ja.arc…” are files, not folders. Folder that can be deleted do not mean those files.

The “may be deleted” statement is an explanation for older players.

Prior to GDv1.2.0.0, the game was rainbowized by creating a “Grim Dawn\localization” folder and copying the rainbow files into it. However, that method became impossible with v., and the method was changed to copying the rainbow files to “Grim Dawn\lmods\grimarillion\rerources”. So if the localization folder is still there, you can delete it. If you did not originally create a localization folder, you do not need to worry about it.

Yea i know that.
It’s pretty good now, the notificaition/skills/items are all showing in English perfectly and all the modifiers and everything already translated from main game are still showing in my language.

Except one thing, the conversation:

It only showing the buttons, it works, but there is no text on it.
And I thought I need to edit Conversations.arc, extracted, edited, repacked, but I can’t talk to Zeke after that. It seems broken. I don’t know what can I do now.
Maybe translate everything in the npc_grimmest_01.cnv?

I forgot to mention that as a basic rule of mod translation, quests and conversations must be placed in the root. So you need to put npc_grimmest_01.txt in the root. If the translated text were placed in the root, it would be displayed in Chinese. The place to put it is the same place as the base texts, not the mod or DLC folders.

[Note: This is a screenshot of the DoM.]

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got tag not found here

Yes it’s a known issue, I’ve been waiting a little while for more bug reports before updating Grimarillion to fix it

i see :slight_smile: just thought i report that tho :slight_smile: but good to know :slight_smile:

Grimarillion v87a

*Fixed an issue with missing tags for D3 items.
*Fixed an issue with missing tag data for the character sheet.
*Fixed an issue where Demon Hunter skills were working with staves.
*Fixed an issue where Diablo could not be killed.
*Fixed an issue where the Mysterious Card was spawning on redeemed faction for several factions.
*Fixed a map issue that caused some clipping in Devil’s Crossing.
*Updated level limit files
*Updated Conflagration, Tomb of the Watchers, and Steps of Torment devotion shrines. (unlocked on normal, unlocked on normal, and increased granted XP on elite)

Full Download:

(this does not include the map fix! Only use this link if you already downloaded the previous Grimar87)


Like the way the fix is showing up as a play option. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Where am I supposed to put the hotfix Asylum? Because I downloaded and extracted as usual, but it didn’t overwrite anything and it’s still showing a 87 ingame, not 87a.

Should be the same as last time @medea_fleecestealer

Okay, I’ll give it a try when I finish the current play session.

Hello. So, I tried the Neidan mastery today and noticed that it abilities do not have any special effects and are invisible. It is probably some kind of bug.

Huh, how the heck… apparently the arc file that contains the neidans FX got wiped. Not a big deal but no idea how that happened.

I don’t understand that, so put the 87 mod folder into the 87a folder then put it back into GD directory?

If i understand that right it didn’t update to 87a either for me at least.

Should it be showing 87a in game?

No, take the Grimarillion folder that’s inside the fix folder and put that into your mods folder. Should then get the window to ask if you want to overwrite/replace the files and you say yes.

Yes i have done that and it didn’t seem to update to 87a in game, unless it still is suppose to show 87, not sure what i could be doing wrong been doing this the same way for years now.

Didn’t show as 87a for me either.

I just installed it myself as I’d been playing Half Life 25th anniversary (bought it back in the day on CD and never finished it). No version number change. And I wouldn’t expect it for such a minor fix, as that would be more work for the patch, LOL.

PS. Vampire Survivors can be great fun but right now lacking faith in it long term as entertainment. Still playing it on and off.

Half Life: Turns out this game is a hell of alot of fun but I seem to really dislike the puzzles. And there are puzzles in every part of the game. That’s why I like ARPG’s, the game play is seamless and obvious with no backtracking for hours trying to find an exit.

Switched to Grimarillion to experience 1.2. So far I absolutely love it and it was worth every minute of gameplay. I need to play it more!

Small thing Asylum, but the latest hotfix seems to have upset this. While the health potion is on 9 and says so in the keybindings too for some reason it’s lost its colour.
