Dawn of Masteries

Small request: Any chance we can get a small reminder anywhere on the skill tree page as to which mod each class belongs to? For me, this would be a nice QoL so that I do not need to clog my inventory with all of the different types of little items that spawn the vendors.

oops, yes, forgot to update that to 1.5.1 :wink:

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there is nothing wrong with it at a file level, i.e. the references are there. All it does is increase some resistances though, so you might not notice much in game

 So, before 1.5.1 the Potent Elixir buff was showing above the health bar, like all the other buffs. 

After this patch, it no longer shows . I have tried removing all points from it and then puting points in it again, to no effect.
The visual effect for the modifier skill Potion of Ambrosia is gone, it basically it was a cooldown on the buff until the HP regen efect used to trigger. It doesnt seem to trigger anymore.
Also, the HP regen and resistances it supposes to increase do not increase when spending points in it.

Put the vendor icons in your shared stash. They can be used by all your chars from there. Just transfer the one you need to which ever char then call the vendor.

Have you tried it in Grimarillion? The skill was reworked in the latest version, as far as I can tell from looking at the .dbrs, there is nothing wrong with it in DoM (that would not also be wrong in Grimarillion)

EDIT: I wonder if this has something to do with what you are experiencing

It does not, it works regardless of FX.

it would explain there being no visual effect (even though ‘my’ .arc is larger, but maybe I do not have that effect in it either)

Hi Mamba, I havent tried it in Grimarilion.
However, I made a new toon and I noticed that the skill works , although very different frOm how it used to work before 1.5.1 .
So , before the update, the buff was activating as soon as health droped under 100% , basically it showed on the bar as a buff at all time and activated when health droped under 100%
Now, as I said before, it doesn’t show on the bar when you allocate points in it, but I just noticed it activates ( and pops up on screen ) when I hit Tonic of Mendig skill !
So I am guessing you were right and it was reworked this way.


unzipped mod to dir wont work
using gog version and got a 8gb update beforehand
shows new icons for potions etc and i had put the moved zip into the mod dir

also where does grim go?

if you unzip it in GD\mods, it does work. This results in GD\Mods\dom\database\dom.arz, if you have it in a different location, it will fail.

also in GD\mods, but you do not need that separately, unless you want to use it without DoM

Love this mod! GD has had a couple updates since I started using the mod and I took a break from GD with D4. I just started a GD Necro/D3 Necro. It seems like every possible aura/effect is on my character. I can’t even see my guy let alone any close mobs. Anyone have a solution to this?

Have you updated to the latest version of the mod? It doesn’t sound like you did…

ya my bad i forgot to get rid of old dom dir and had just renamed it dom2 , once i get rid of that old one and put name proper all good

Hello there ive already install the last version of the MOD and i detected some bugs a few skills.

  • D2 Assassin.- Skill “Weapon block” doesn’t do anything.
  • D2 Assassin.- Skill “Shadow warrior” Hp regen doesn’t work.
  • ZENITH.- Skill “Arcane Assault II” says “Unlocks more skills with furter investment” but doesn’t do anything.
  1. it absorbs damage
  2. what HP regen, the description says nothing about it (and the skill has none)
  3. agreed, there are no additional skills to unlock, guess the text in Grimarillion needs updating

First, I’d like to thank for the mod, it has made me fall in love with GD again <3

I’ve been experimenting a lot, and currently playing a Voidstalker, noticed that Voidcaller’s relic Void Blossom, which has the skill “Void Cascade” that doesn’t do anything. I’m not sure this is the place to report that, sorry if it isn’t.

Is the mod compatible with the newest version of grim dawn aka ?
Secondly is it worth upgrading to the newest game /mod version? I currently have game version with a proper mod version.

Yes, it is compatible, if you do not upgrade, you are a few releases behind on D2, D3 and GrimQuest. Whether that is relevant is up to you

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