[REL] Grimarillion v91

Several, they’re in the hideout southeast of Devil’s Crossing rift

Are they from the mob or the original game?

Does anyone know how to get to this area?

There’s a path between the DC riftgate and the bulding next to it which takes you to a boat to take you to your personal hideout.

I don’t know where that road is

Betweent the DC riftgate and the building next to it where you go down to cleanse the water supply for Barnabas.

follow the path just below the riftgate. Btw I actually found the path by accident as I missed clicked when I got my new gaming mouse. Was to fast ma old bones :grin:

hehe I already saw it thank you very much

What is that NPC for?


That’s Zeke, you can talk to him to double the number of hero spawns and/or normal monster spawns.

The first option is for normals and the second is for heroes?

Took me years to find that path as it was never there before so I’d not think to look, and Reddit always came up blank for it. Personal hideout. More like Wolf 3D push wall secret. LOL.

Well, it’s a fairly recently addition to the mod. Only a few patches back it was added iirc.

It was added in v83, August 2022, so it’s been there for almost 2 years now…

Hello leader, when will there be big update 91?

Maybe next week, I’ve had to delay the update due to real life stuff

So for some reason this mod is making GD crash directly to desktop every time I try to load up a game, even though it worked fine last night. The core game and my other mods are working just fine, though. Is anyone else having this problem?

Edit: Hmm never mind, it’s not the entire mod, just one character for some reason. It’s giving me some sort of rendering error, I think? But only for this one character, which is super weird.

I’ve seen one other person report this issue and I have no clue what causes it. Try using gdstash to remove the equipped items?

Hey all, thank you for making this mod package! I am experiencing an issue where my Character Pane / Inventory is much larger than the game screen itself, effectively making the mod unplayable. This occurs at any resolution / any refresh rate / Windowed / Fullscreen / Borderless etc. I can confirm that this does not happen within a Main Campaign map. Thank you for your help!


go into settings and lower ui scaling, see how that works for you.