[REL] Grimarillion v91

Try pulling the cursor to the left to shrink the UI.

if my post wasnt clear enough nothing will be

I love the mod, I play it exclusively. Since the last patch I was going through my inventory and came across a 2 handed weapon that if I hover my cursor over it automatically crashes the game to desktop. I am not sure what the weapon is it is a sword. as I am unable to actually view it other than its picture I cant post what weapon it actually is. I tried multiple times to view the item and it always crashed to desktop. Only item I have seen do this. Sorry I dont have the name of the item. Or can even tell you what it is other than a 2hs.

You are on the latest version of gd with the grimarillion compatibility fix installed?

If so can you try to just post a screenshot?

I dl the latest version, from nexus. I will attempt to get a screen shot. Is there a patch for the nexus version?
image not the staff but the sword. seems to crash it every time the cursor touches it.

My version : v1.2.1.2 (x64)

Iā€™ve never used GD Stash before, but according to their website you canā€™t remove or delete equipped items via GD Stash. Is there some trick Iā€™m missing?

Iā€™ve run into a weird bug with Dreamā€™s Phantom Strike: It doesnā€™t damage inanimate objects. If I try to PS to a loot orb or a door or whatever, I teleport and it does all the animation and makes the attacking sound effects and everything, but the item is completely undamaged. I think itā€™s damaging enemy creatures just fine, but itā€™s sort of hard to tell when Iā€™m frantically button mashing. I did not have this problem with Riftstalkerā€™s Warp on my last character, but I havenā€™t tested Nightbladeā€™s Shadow Strike or any of the glyphs so I donā€™t know if itā€™s restricted to this single power.

Thanks so much for your help yaā€™ll, yes it was a UI scaling issue. I play at 1440p and scale up due to vision impairments so scaling it a bit down helped!

Unfortunately, I ran into another (much funnier) bug - when equipping a level 8 2h weapon, my character is unable to move at all. I have all of the prerequisite requirements (level, attributes, etc) but when I equip it Iā€™m completely frozen. I can freely unequip it and continue playing, but thought this was the correct forum for bug reporting.


Iā€™m having the same problem, my character freezes if I use two-handed weapons, if I use the others it smokes normal, for sure because of many things they added to them in the new update.

Problem solved, I still hadnā€™t updated the current mod hotfix ( Hotfix v90d) thanks for the fix.

:frowning: aiting for version 91 for a long time ,:frowning:


I appreciate the eagerness but Iā€™ve had a lot of real life issue to catch up with lately and some hassles to work through. Behind on work, have to work overtime to get back on track, have to do extra tasks for my side job which put me out of town and away from my PC for a week. I get back home after that, and my AC is broken, so I canā€™t really do anything on the PC when itā€™s 95 F (35C) inside the house. Just got the AC fixed yesterday so Iā€™m starting to get back into my rhythm.


Take your time man, hopefully life treats you a little kinder soon!

I can feel you on the ac issue. I live in Vegas and our ac decided to take the shit 2 weeks ago. 10k down the drain but at least I can sleep again!

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anyone got time to play grimarillion room name all welcome 3 spots open ok im lvl 15 name is wartec prime on steam

Getting this again. Canā€™t click on it because itā€™s floating in the air.


Dang it! I need that. :crazy_face:

Cmon medea itā€™s right there just grab it!

Wish I could! Clicking on either the name or icon does nothing.

Someone needs a remedial clicking class!

Haha, Sounds like you got my luck. First, my phone died then my work PC SSD packed up. After that, my work phone died. Now my work PC completely crashed todayā€¦ I work 2 jobs, I sometimes work 14-15h days. No time and I am a web dev. Using my personal PC at the momentā€¦ Life goes on I guessā€¦ We can wait a couple of days/weeks before an update.

Btw have to say. You did justice to the TQ defense class. I really loved the class in TQ but I only really use him in multiplayer. Defense Single player in TQ felt for me that he advanced slower.

Is Alex getting a quest later? Clicked on him before talking to Constance and that popped up over his head.
