[REL] Grimarillion v91

Good day! It’s been a few days since I started to play this Mod and I’m having tons of fun, thank you!

I would also like to inquire about legendary drops. I’ve made a purifier as a first character and trying to hunt for dagallons and stuff but the legendaries that are dropping for me are mostly for TQ characters, In fact I might have never even gotten a legendary drop for original grimdawn classes If memory serves me right. Am I missing anything like talking to an NPC to make the drops change to my class? Any leads would help, thank you again!

No, it’s just RNG.

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Hm, just finished the elite campaign on a character, left the game and crashed on reentering the game. Which in itself wouldnt be a problem, this can happen. The problem is, i keep crashing, i can enter the game just fine with other grimmarlion characters, but not this one.

Is this something that happens more often in grimmarlion? Or does that sound like something specific? I get that this is a rather broad question, but i never had this issue with GD yet.
As it stands the character seems bricked.

I could provide the crash file if that would help.

It seems the problem i described is the same issue as this. That being said, even knowing the problem, i dont know how to fix it myself.

(The issue being, one/x item is causing problems, but i dont know which, and i also dont know how to remove items from a character while not ingame)

Edit: I managed to get gd stash running, and i got to the character in question in gd stash, but gd stash does not display all the bag space that is available in grimmarlion, so removing the visible items with gd stash didnt help, because when i left the game all bags were full to the brim.

Edit2: Tinkered a bit. It seems some items have an Unkown Tag: TXT_OFF_ABS_PLUS_RANGE_CHANCE:
(not sure if that is a problem, just saw it in GDstash)

Rod of Storms
Spear of Dryads
Sacred Spear of Nepthys

Though these werent the problem, it was “Divine Archimedes Cogweel”.

Are there more items that might cause this issue?

Yes Archimedes Cogwheel is a known issue and has been fixed on my end as of… a couple weeks ago maybe.

Not sure what that ‘unknown tag’ is, never seen that before and no idea what could possibly cause that.

The unkown tag only appears in GDstash, not ingame. Maybe that caused confusion.

The Archimedis thing, since you say you fixed it, is it not in the 0.91a version, the newest one?

No… v91a was posted August 10th and Grimarillion hasn’t been updated since then.

I fixed it on my end. Update is still WIP as there have been a lot of things to address with the Diablo 3 totems, Eternal, and various weird bugs like this one. (Archimedes Ring)

Ah, ok, thank you.

Does that include Reanimator bugfixes? Since it seems to be a known issue that the pet modifiers/passives, like Chilling Strikes for Bone Collossus, dont work. Same with the pet from Illusionist.