I don’t have these issues.
Sorry, I tested it again and found that it was a problem with my script package. After fixing it, everything is normal now.
If I wanted to alter how many skill points a character gets with every level, and the devotion point cap, how would I do that with Grimarillion? It doesn’t seem to show up in asset manager
Edit: Nevermind, I figured it out, need to edit the player file in gdx2.
Summon living horror(Illusionist) does not use its abilities, except for the main attack.
Nice, more endgame. This one is like RoT Ancients endgame. I’ll try it out later. Assume once you get so far it is hell, it is in RoT.
PS, I read the air conditioning malfunction a month late. Today my mother with dementia turned off the cooler when I told her to turn on the fan in the hallway, I didn’t think to check and it almost ruined my health at 85F, LOL. Just fixed it.
PPS, the new endgame may fix poor characters that play on the hardest difficulty with all those elites everywhere. You know, when you are level 50+ in Act 1 and only have a couple devotion points…
Hello @Ceno and @ASYLUM101. thank you so much for the mod! Absolutely love it. There is a bug I believe with the Outrider class skill modifier called “commando” for Flak Jacket. It is supposed to allow you to use the skill with a melee weapon equipped however the skill remains unusable. Thank you in advance!
Sorry for any confusion, the version of Zenith in Grimarillion is maintained by me, not Ceno. The original masteries are Ceno’s creation but I’m responsible for any current bugs, I’ll check it out.
You know. I really, really hated the Rune Master In Titan Quest. It just felt that he didn’t fit with the tq playstyle (my opinion only though). I gave him a chance with this mod and paired him with a Champion. Gawd is he fun. He is excellent for a shield bearer semi-caster.
The item “Archimedes Cogwheel”, lvl 65 version, is causing my game to crash upon attempting to launch the game after character selection.
Edit: am on latest Grimarillion version with latest rainbow file reinstalled for verification. I have attempted to delete the item via GD Stash and it doesn’t even show up in the slot. Also, launching the affected character returns the attached error normally via Steam and with the DPYes application.
Hi. I really wanted to play GD with this mod on Steam Deck, but there is a problem with stash. It fits on the screen only when I reduce the size of the interface to a minimum, but everything becomes so small that it is almost unreadable. Is there any way to get the original stash back?
The only way I was able to fix this issue was to totally remove all items from the character, amun-ras magebane was the culprit for it
How did you do that? I have the char open in GDStash and the offending ring isn’t even showing up in the slot, and the other items that I can select that are being worn do not show the option to delete them.
Oh it’s equipped, I dunno. You updated GDStash and reimported database right?
Anyway, I have a fix for it for the next update (eta, very soon but not today). Seems like somehow a few items that used AreaOfEffect projectile types crash the game now for whatever reason.
Updating and reimporting was the last thing I tried before posting here. A fix that is coming soon is great to hear. I was close to deleting the char but instead busied myself with housework.
Love the mod and appreciate the work. I’m not fully sure this is a mod issue but I’m at a loss. I farmed a Korvan Celestial Halbred for my blade arc build. For some reason though he cannot use blade arc with it? He just locks up and does nothing. The weapon works with all the other abilities but not the one it has modifiers for? lol Maybe I’m missing something.
It’s a known bug, I have a fix for it already. It’s an issue with Grimarillions new animations
All good. Thanks for the response
Posted on discord but posting here as well.
I can’t tell if I’m just not seeing it correctly but are the Bone Colossus auras working? When I added a point to Lord of Bones there’s no indication I’m affected by an aura and no animation from the Colossus like I remember in the past. I’m comparing my elemental resistance and attack speed before and after summoning and not getting a difference in character sheets. Am I missing something?
HI, I’m so sorry for asking this. I feel like a stupid boomer which I probably am. I’m new to this modding stuff and was told by an item that Zeke can be found in the hideout? I went into a chtony place with all the faction NPCs there but I couldn’t find Zeke nor am I sure if that was the hideout in the first place.
Edit: Please disregard this utter incompetence of a question. I just figured out that I needed to ride the freaking boat.