[REL] Grimarillion v91

Use the links on page 80 with the patch notes. I won’t be able to update the op with the proper links until later today.

Here’s the quote with the links.

No response to my issue? :confused:

The character select is normal. If you start the mod and then quit back to main menu, the strings will appear. When you first start the game, none of the strings from the mod get loaded.

As to the checkerboards, not sure…

FYI: if you switch from playing mod A to mod B, quit to desktop in between.

The link on the first page is titled ‘Grimarillion v64’ but still links to the v63c download.

See below:

I did, you downloaded the wrong version. Use the links ibugsy has reposted for me.

Hello, i downloaded the new v64 Ungrim Version and Grimmest is active in that Version

Yep, seems like something happened with my ungrim script. Will take a look after work.

OP was updated with the correct v64 download links.

So. Been enjoying the mod so far. Skellies from Theurgist are stupidly good xD

but I came across this '‘boss’ monster which had no model amongst no tag and etc, also didnt drop anything when killed.

Also the whole ‘craft a d3 item’ does nothing. Not even consuming the bits or souls.

I guess you did not play Titan Quest. Just saw this on Discord last night, Toxeus has been in the mod since forever, but we never knew how badly he was added. He is missing his mesh in addition to tags…afaik Asylum is working on it.

I have actually played Titan Quest…but over 10 years ago my friend haha. Not only his mesh btw, but he didnt even drop anything. He gave me the exp and rep tho.

No plan?!??!!

In a perfect world, all maintained mods would be fused into one.

But, this world is far from perfect.

I am sure that if a modder petitioned us to be included, things might advance, but Grimarillion was formed during a time when DAIL existed and was meant to be different than that mod.

In any case, RL has not finished eating me alive, so for now, I have zero time for modding. Asylum has been a fantastic caretaker of this mod, but adding to it, in the face of the FG expac, is likely not going to happen.

I know I’m really really late in talking about this, but I really hate the Spirit Mastery nerf, those two aura buffs were my bread and butter when making a class for a hardcore playthrough (the aura’s that had 3 tiers of effectiveness based on how close an enemy was to you).

I don’t even know why the skills were removed, they weren’t extremely OP, they were just very useful that together you could have crowd control and damage.

Compare that to the Vagabond class (necrotic + outrider) which is the most OP class combination in the game, you have damage reflection, flat damage absorption, % damage absorption, multiple forms of percentage health damage (one of which always hits 4 enemies when you are hit, also does chaos damage and buffs all chaos damage), high HP regen, high MP regen, a passive damage aura that without any gear does around 8000+ poison damage every 5 seconds (1600 per sec) when maxxed out, the same aura also does high chaos and life leech damage, once you get that aura you will not die in the game.

I miss the old spirit mastery, I just remember downloading an update one day and poof, ultra nerf, the class was absolutely useless now in my book, those two buffs helped whether you were playing a summoner build, caster build or even a tank build, investing into that class for those two buffs alone was a good move despite the shortcomings.

Is there any way for me to just swap in the old version of the spirit mastery?

Uninstall the latest version and install an older one I guess. But that would mean you have none of anything else from the latest version either.

You removed all the +Skills rings? :mad:

I guess the only way to get +Skills to classes is through the Satyr, Green rings should still have +1 to a class. Having +Skills was much more important than anything else, especially since most classes have multiple necessary passives and any of the +Skills gear for GQ / Zenith classes is crappy level 50 gear that is highly outclassed.

It would have been nice to try to get skills that aren’t from the vanilla game to Ultimate rank and see how they function, but you wouldn’t let us have nice things now.

Yes, I’m mad.

Not necessarily, I could probably extract the two mods (version with Un-nerfed spirit mastery) and (latest version), and copy all the the other updates related to items, components, etc into the un-nerfed version and recompile it.

Then I’d have the spirit mastery in its best form, plus all the game based updates.

I really hope that one day they’ll just restore the class though, I don’t think any other class was nerfed like that in such an unfair way, it was literally my favorite class.

Guess i’ll just play vagabond for now.

The insidious miasma+deathchill line was a massive pain for me to work on because it wasn’t 3 skills per skill line, it was 9 per line, so if I wanted to modify something, I had to modify that 3x. Extra work for me isn’t fun.

What is it that the buffs are missing now that makes your build unplayable? Deathchill + Necrosis are pretty better now as the base range was increased and damage was increased (since there are no layered auras anymore), Insidious Miasma has the good bits of the old aura (leech/regen debuff) and it has decent range since it’s a spreadable contagion-type debuff. What kind of CC did either of these buffs offer before?.. Pretty sure they didn’t offer any.

I mean the Grim Quest is still a WIP, I don’t really care about Zenith losing item support because it’s is not my mod, I have no intentions of doing work for another modder. I already made the mistake of adding green items to support Zenith masteries, I should have just left it completely item-less as Ceno made it originally.

As for GQ item support, as I said above, it’s a WIP, I’m working on a hundred things at once but I’m just one person who works on Grim Quest and maintains Grimarillion (which is just as much work as grim quest).

Well for one the damage buff (death chill) did percentage health damage, that made it useful no matter how far into the game you are, some skills just become obsolete the further you get into the game (the titan quest classes are especially lacking in survivability and damage even compared to grim dawns base classes). Now the skill just does flat vitality and aether damage, which ironically the thematic number 1 enemy in the game (aetherials) have high resistance too

The other one that was a passive that debuffed (insidious misasma), is no longer a passive, and no longer as good as it was before, so now i’d have to take that skill and constantly recast it over and over just for it to function as it used to.

So one isn’t as useful as it used to be for late game (well both of them actually), and the other isn’t even a passive anymore, its an active skill. A Spirit based tank class is no longer even possible, those passives made it possible because of the damage and reliability of them being passives.

As for it being too much work to modify it, couldn’t you have left the skills exactly as they were but removed the “3 tiers of distance” thing, just left the skills exactly as they were, simply lower the flat damage and decrease the default range of the aura, that would have been great, now you could keep the skills the same and not have modify it 9 times. For example when it comes to the “3 tiers of distance” take the values of the 2nd tier and make that the maximum values, and lower the range by half.

Either way I thought it was the most interesting skill setup in the game, no other skill took advantage of the games mechanics in such a unique way, and that alone made the spirit class my fav.