[REL] Grimarillion v91

Untrue, all bosses and heroes have % Health reduction resistance to some degree, most of them having over 90%. And no, RR doesn’t work on it. 10% health reduction? Nope, it’s usually only 1-2%, and that is current health, not max.That stat useless for anything other than trash enemies, which would have died to pretty much anything else anyways.

That’s pretty much what I did. I also freed up 3 skill slots in doing so. Now you can have another skill to choose when making builds, Spectral Spires which is the only %Wpn Dmg spell in the mastery. Also the change for Insidious Miasma to it’s own thing was so you can have another option for devotions, contagion types are pretty good for proccing devotions.

I’ve played spirit recently, its one of the most balanced and fun masteries out there, great job, well, if i think about it gq masteries are a masterpiece :D.

True, the way it is now you have more skill points to invest, but insidious miasma is no longer a passive aura, it isn’t really as useful as an active skill because now its mana intensive and the entire point of a good tank build is that you only really have to worry about health, you don’t have to worry about tedious micro-management of cooldowns.

Having to recast a skill every 6 seconds that you once had as a permanent aura surrounding you, is a huge downgrade.

But hey. maybe when the oathkeeper and barbarian classes are added in i’ll just find a new tank class build to try

ucantseeme3d, just mod the game yourself (as you’ve already known how to extract and manage files) or adapt to the new BETTER BALANCED changes, which provide difficulty inline with original GD masteries (though, GQ and D3 are still OP in many, MANY ways. Not to mention Ceno’s masteries, that break the fragile balance completely).

But in all cases - just quit whining!

Many of us here are still surprised how actively Asylum keep supporting modding for so many years (i’ve been playing his mods for more than 10 years now).
And with your posts you are not giving him any motivation to continue.

Considering the amount of work you’ve put into this mod, I can’t actually be mad at you, more like a “Boo, I have to put a lot more thought into my builds instead of relying on the same crutch over and over again.” There are still a few ways of getting the Skill bonuses if I really need them (Jade Set, Black Pearl Set and 2 Epic Rings still give +1 to All Skills), plus the new GQ rings are a lot more interesting in terms of procs and abilities. Not being able to hardcap skills will sting, but I can always point out what ability I want to use in that fashion and then contribute myself instead of whining into the wind. :slight_smile:

Having to update every single one of my builds in the compendium is not going to be fun, but nobody’s said anything about it so far, so I’ll plod along. Can’t thank you enough for the work that you do.

  1. Ironically you come to tell me to stop whining after I made my final post about the issue and accepted the responses Asylum gave me, so you are kind of late

  2. The back and forth between the two of us was a total of two responses each, if such a minuscule instance of discourse is “whining” then by your logic critique is literally impossible, we just have to reply and always just say we like everything about the mod and that’s it.

  3. I actually do plan on creating a mod for this game myself at some point, and its basically going to be a mod of a mod, there was this mastery mod called “destinies” for titan quest that I liked, and I always planned to at some point recreate it for this game, not rushing to start though, will wait until the final version of the game is out with all the expansions.

Whats really going to make this mastery mod good, is the “training class”, which is basically a class with skills and stat boosts geared directly towards buffing a “primary class” (if you’ve played the mod you know exactly what I’m talking about), so you can play a soldier who is geared towards DOT skills, an arcanist with damage reflect, etc, its going to make specializing with a primary class and maximizing skill effectiveness actually possible, its like “dual classing” without the 2nd class lol.

Part of the training class is also these “Tribute Skills” that need to have 1 point in them to use a special skill in each class, the tributes are harsh penalties (I remember the “Tribute Of Kira” is -30% Max HP) but the skill you gain access to makes up for it.

(I’m talking about this so openly because its not as if anyone is going to “steal” the idea, and even if they did, that’s kind of in my favor lol, i’ll get my mod anyways)

I played a lot of destinies in Lilith.

Lilith was a good mod, didn’t finish it though, another one I like is paths, very hard but the classes are well balanced and thought out.

What mastery did you use? (for me it was Guardian - Metamorphosis+Training)

That training class is what I think a lot of action rpgs actually need, because 9 times out of 10 there’s going to be a class you like and you just want to specialize and optimize that class, but due to how stat distribution works, you pretty much have to invest into another mastery bar just for the stat points to survive late game, and you end up putting some points into skills that you don’t even really want all that much, because you might as well make the best of the investment and you’ll have excess points if you don’t.

don’t know that mod, but how is picking Training different from what you can accomplish by picking eg Shaman as the second class ? Sounds like you still invest in the bar to get stats and can invest in a few skills to buff the skills of your first mastery

If you ever get the time, and you have titan quest, download the destinies mod and check out the training class to see what I’m talking about, if you see it, you’ll see how drastically different it would be to simply selecting shaman for a few buffs here and there, you can buff a class a bit with shaman but you cannot optimize the damage you specialize in, or optimize your stats specifically.

There’s so much more choice and variation with that mastery available.

Found some missing textures. Yes, this is in the latest version.

Im all for colorful summons but that w as just funny haha

is grimarillion source open?

As Jiaco said he dont have time or plan to integrate with omega mod.
so, i would like to try myself.

No that I know of. Asylum101 can probably confirm one way or another though.

Just started playing this mod again after a while, and I noticed while playing Riftstalker with Warp set to M1, the character occasionally gets stuck during the ‘warp’ when you’re face-to-face with an enemy; it doesn’t happen often, but if you max out Warp then you’ll likely encounter it after about 30 minutes, max, of just using it as the M1 attack.

I am not positive, but I think it has to do either with an enemy stepping on to the space you’re moving in to, or possibly being hit with a CC while you are vanished; again, not really sure, these just seem like the most logical scenarios since the enemies it happens against most often have a freeze or stun attack. Opening a rift portal and clicking on it will get you unstuck, but obviously the situation can lead, easily, to a death that could have otherwise been avoided, especially since the rift can often be hidden by the sheer amounts of mobs around you.

Also, it’s 100% not just me thinking it’s a bug when the character is actually affected by something; the character is actually invisible until you can get yourself unstuck or die.

I was long ago playing DAIL, now I came back to Grim dawn but due DAIL is dead I wanna migrate to Gramilion.
So I want ask you guys what are main differences between thise two massive modpacks?
Does Gramilion include something like Omega Mod or other mods from DAIL?

This is just my opinion (oh and the first page of this thread lists all the mods inside grimarillion)

I’m only playing Grimarillion until DAIL is completed, Grimarillion has a ton of content and its more balanced than DAIL and has dedicated modders.

But I always liked DAIL more because it has more variety, the DAIL mod is usually a compilation of all the mods, the modders for that one try to merge all the mods possible of co-existing together (including class mods).

So there’s way more variety, of course that affects balance because you can probably find workarounds to make yourself really OP, but I don’t see that as a downside, I see that no different than having a difficulty choice, if you want a harder playthrough then don’t select an OP class combination, or don’t use the loopholes (also report imbalances to the forum). Simply place restrictions on yourself to compensate for the imbalance, the same way that you select “Ultimate” in the difficulty options menu and lower your base stats to handicap yourself, its really no different than that.

DAIL likely isn’t going to be updated again in a complete form until like August, maybe even September (Latest expansion comes out 27th of March). But I’ve been waiting for it since last year so what difference does that make. I had the most fun in grim dawn with DAIL, I spent a good half hour in the old one just checking out classes and deciding which dual class I’d have, it was so much fun just going over all of the combinations, like you’re psyching yourself up before you even begin to build the class lol.

If you’re looking for a balanced experience with a ton of content then Grimarillion is your best bet

If you’re looking to have access to pretty much all the mod content available with minimal to no balance, then DAIL is your best bet (balancing will have to take place over time by user reports)

Version came out last night - are there any game crashes conflicting with Grimarillion that anyone needs to know about before updating the game to the latest patch? I have my game at in case of anything game-breaking.

Well I couldn’t say myself since I am in fg play test, but i haven’t crashed in my minimal play time. But it’s best to wait till someone else answers

I’ve only put in an hour or two since the patch, but I’ve had zero crashes playing with my Stormlord (Shaman + Storm).

so far no, no error