[REL] Grimarillion v91

Uhh that file doesn’t even exist in the mod, as far as I can tell it’s not even referenced in the files that do exist in the mod.

What grimmest settings are you using?

At the time I think I was using 10% with normal mobs set to normal. Once I have time I’ll try going back there with different settings to see what happens. I don’t know if I have a vanilla character that can go there yet, but if I do I can check that too.

Thank you ainoyu !

Also getting obscene lag spikes around Devils Crossing with a new game, I’m attaching a log that has some script error entries.

Also, with the randomly appearing Nyborg guy, for me opening the Devotion screen summons him. Not really an issue, just weird.

<Release priority="script">11409: LuaFunction::PerformCall - 'gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy'
: failed</Release>
<Release priority="scripterr">11409: scripts/grimmest/grimmest.lua:191: attempt to index local 'proxy' (a nil value)
	[C] :: __index [metamethod]
	scripts/grimmest/grimmest.lua #191
	objectId = 118789
	object = userdata: 0x0e25d8e0
	dbrName = records/grimmest/proxies/area001/zombie_amb_s1_n.dbr
	coords = userdata: 0x0e25d930
	proxy = nil
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaGlue::GetFunction - gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy: succeeded</Release>
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaFunction::PerformCall - 'gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy'
: succeeded</Release>
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaGlue::GetFunction - gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy: succeeded</Release>
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaFunction::PerformCall - 'gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy'
: failed</Release>
<Release priority="scripterr">11409: scripts/grimmest/grimmest.lua:191: attempt to index local 'proxy' (a nil value)
	[C] :: __index [metamethod]
	scripts/grimmest/grimmest.lua #191
	objectId = 120919
	object = userdata: 0x0e25ddc0
	dbrName = records/grimmest/proxies/area001/zombie_amb_s1_n.dbr
	coords = userdata: 0x0e25de10
	proxy = nil
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaGlue::GetFunction - gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy: succeeded</Release>
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaFunction::PerformCall - 'gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy'
: succeeded</Release>
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaGlue::GetFunction - gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy: succeeded</Release>
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaFunction::PerformCall - 'gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy'
: succeeded</Release>
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaGlue::GetFunction - gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy: succeeded</Release>
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaFunction::PerformCall - 'gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy'
: succeeded</Release>
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaGlue::GetFunction - gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy: succeeded</Release>
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaFunction::PerformCall - 'gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy'
: failed</Release>
<Release priority="scripterr">11409: scripts/grimmest/grimmest.lua:191: attempt to index local 'proxy' (a nil value)
	[C] :: __index [metamethod]
	scripts/grimmest/grimmest.lua #191
	objectId = 120665
	object = userdata: 0x0e25e570
	dbrName = records/grimmest/proxies/area001/zombie_amb_s1_e.dbr
	coords = userdata: 0x0e25e5c0
	proxy = nil
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaGlue::GetFunction - gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy: succeeded</Release>
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaFunction::PerformCall - 'gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy'
: succeeded</Release>
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaGlue::GetFunction - gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy: succeeded</Release>
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaFunction::PerformCall - 'gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy'
: failed</Release>
<Release priority="scripterr">11409: scripts/grimmest/grimmest.lua:191: attempt to index local 'proxy' (a nil value)
	[C] :: __index [metamethod]
	scripts/grimmest/grimmest.lua #191
	objectId = 121522
	object = userdata: 0x0e25ea50
	dbrName = records/grimmest/proxies/area001/zombie_amb_s1_e.dbr
	coords = userdata: 0x0e25eaa0
	proxy = nil
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaGlue::GetFunction - gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy: succeeded</Release>
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaFunction::PerformCall - 'gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy'
: succeeded</Release>
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaGlue::GetFunction - gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy: succeeded</Release>
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaFunction::PerformCall - 'gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy'
: succeeded</Release>
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaGlue::GetFunction - gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy: succeeded</Release>
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaFunction::PerformCall - 'gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy'
: failed</Release>
<Release priority="scripterr">11409: scripts/grimmest/grimmest.lua:191: attempt to index local 'proxy' (a nil value)
	[C] :: __index [metamethod]
	scripts/grimmest/grimmest.lua #191
	objectId = 121527
	object = userdata: 0x0e25f098
	dbrName = records/grimmest/proxies/area001/zombie_amb_s1_n.dbr
	coords = userdata: 0x0e25f0e8
	proxy = nil
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaGlue::GetFunction - gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy: succeeded</Release>
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaFunction::PerformCall - 'gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy'
: succeeded</Release>
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaGlue::GetFunction - gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy: succeeded</Release>
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaFunction::PerformCall - 'gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy'
: succeeded</Release>
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaGlue::GetFunction - gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy: succeeded</Release>
<Release priority="script">11409: LuaFunction::PerformCall - 'gd.grimmest.OnAddToWorld_proxy'
: failed</Release>
<Release priority="scripterr">11409: scripts/grimmest/grimmest.lua:191: attempt to index local 'proxy' (a nil value)
	[C] :: __index [metamethod]
	scripts/grimmest/grimmest.lua #191
	objectId = 233867
	object = userdata: 0x0e25f6e0
	dbrName = records/grimmest/proxies/area001/witchgod_prawn_amb_t.dbr
	coords = userdata: 0x0e25f730
	proxy = nil

After a bit more testing, I think I might have been wrong, I might have had mod density increased when I got the lag spikes. After testing it several times it seems the mob density increase is always turned on when you start a new session. I also seem to only get the big lag spikes when the mob density is turned on.

Okay yeah, did not realize the bajillionty of enemies density was on by default until I tried going into the Devils Aquifer to kill Viloth. Just a stuttering sea of spiders trying to load into the map followed by a quick death. Disabling it has stopped the lag spikes.

Oddly, the Nyborg guy appearing when opening the Devotions screen only seems to happen if I have the Nyborg Item in the bank. Kind of handy actually.

I already overwrote in, unfortunately, but there were some errors in the log about an outlaw hero having animations overwrittten because some special spear animation. Possibly because spears do not count as melee weapons for skills?

Also errors about the game trying to create a hero chest but it’s calling a Character (I think) ref instead of something else.

edit It also resets to mega spawns on reloading the game.

An idea has been had to stabilize the performance hit.

I need to trace all proxies to pools to monsters to factions to re-align the arrays, but once that has been done, you will all be testing the next experimental lua script that will be totally re-designed this time in order to try to impact game performance less. Right now, it is kinda stupid what the script does, it was a proof of principal hack to add in the double density, now that that works, I think I can see a better way to do this that will in fact be more efficient than the original Zeke method before double density.

My wife has the same problem. at the moment she has 9 of them. Is there any way to remove them ?

Quoting from the Grimmest thread, but my post is more relevant here.

Only ones I don’t like, and basically never use, are the Zenith masteries. They don’t seem as fleshed out and have skills that you can only use if you combine Zenith masteries. The way they are designed would work best within their own mod. If there is a limit on the number of masteries allowed in a mod, I would personally rather see masteries from other mods that could have better synergy with the GD, TQ, and D3 classes.

I see the point about loot though, harder to get loot for the mastery you are playing when there is 3 times as many of them with extra loot for each. I wouldn’t call the extra masteries shitty though, and many open up new combinations for play styles that aren’t as well represented by the base masteries. Though there is plain Grimmest for you if that is what you prefer.

Hello so far mine playthrough is smooth without grimmest density only 10% heroes respawn my only problem on lower levels is those damn star floating eyes have abilities to summon things infinitely in you left them alone and iam swarmed by mobs of heroes and aether crystal too can summon too but aether crystals is pushover can die in 1or 2hit so its ok not those tanky floating eye champion

Zenith masteries will get an update eventually, Ceno is working on them. Hopefully they will be in a better state after that. If they’re not, well, doesn’t matter since we’re not looking to replace masteries. If you don’t like a class you can just not play it. /shrug People have different tastes

As far as loot goes, playing with grimmest on max hero spawns (if you and your pc can handle it) results in ludicrous amounts of unique drops, so I disagree that having all these classes makes it hard to get items.

hi not sure if this is were to post this but will go ahead, just have to say im having alot of fun with this mod… really good job

im playing terror knight and necrotic build atm and ever time i go to put my points in on the terror knight tree the game freezes then crashes…um not sure what info you would need from me to show this but i can get it to crash almost every time by opening the skill tree and mousing over the abilitys … some time just opening the skill tree page and looking at it goint to go put a point in …this will crash game aswell…what i do in the mean time is open tree fast spam on one skill then close it seems to work but any time i leave it open and look and mouse over it for sure will freeze then crash

just wanted to let you guys know i was to play this build but not sure whats up…

other classes are not doing this i tested it seems to be terror knight ill try some more stuff out …

thanks for your time

i saved the crash log zip file not sure how to post it though

What skills crash the game when you put points into them? Are you on 64 bit version?

hi i have that issue on v64 and v65 in any zenith class version but on v66 i think its fix those issue and i using x64 grim internals exe
edit: pics for terror/necrotic on v66

edit: you try to create new fresh character on v66 in my experience on older grima starting v64d all save characters with zenith always ctd with putting skill points


I updated my game and installed v66b and no crashes again for the day, that’s really good! Just curious, I killed all the enemies in the area and entered another area, and when I came back to the first area more mobs appears except Hero Monsters, is that intended?

yes im using 64bit its just when i mouse over them to read what it does…then bang crash or if i just have it up and go to put the point in fast lol it can crash but ya ill try to update it im pretty sure i started with 66c just came back to play last couple week

ok i just looked ya im was using ver 65c ill update it try it again

66C? i guess just your typo cause latest is 66B

It’s not intended, but I feel like it’s a cool side effect of the density script.

And yeah, about the crashing before, I’m pretty sure My PC can survive with highest Grimmest setting with that (https://imgur.com/a/lEUCH0a) because I’ve played old version of Grimarillion and its all fine. Keep the good work guys, still waiting for more content.