[REL] Grimarillion v91

Thank you Mood!

Hi, I love Grimarillion and the Titanquest mastery mod. Would there be additions to the skill sets with new skills from TQ : Atlantis and also Rune Mastery? Could the Eiphalos from the rogue tree be buffed? Heā€™s kinda shitty even when i use him as a suicide bomb and even more useless if i donā€™t. Also the Force of Nature takes too much time to come out of his bulb/petal and lasts way too short to be of much use, could we make him a permanent summon?

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hi, great mod ā€¦ been playing this but lately Zeke has been a nuisance.

  1. Anyway to stop Zeke to pop up everytime that i interact with the storage NPC?
  2. The on screen message ā€˜Grimmest is ā€¦ā€™ keeps popping up as well.

I agree about Force of Nature being too inconvenient in its current state to warrant dumping max points into (just like the cat from nightblade), when you can use those points maxing out wolves instead for example.

But perhaps instead of making it permanent by default, the duration can be increased and it can become permanent via one of the upcoming GQ end-game sets? For example the 4-set bonus of a pet-set could make it permanent. That way youā€™d have a reason to farm end-game to try to attain the full set.

Iā€™ve crashed a few times today mousing over FG monster infrequents while playing Grimarillion.

Several people have noticed this same issue in the GD Reborn mod as well, including myself. The mod dev over there believes he traced it back to being related to the devotion procs being attached to specific mastery skills, like the Championā€™s ā€œWhen Hitā€ proc skills.

Not sure if itā€™s just something crate broke in the last patch or what, but figured Iā€™d report it here since I donā€™t see mention of it yet.

Maybe thatā€™s what have been freezing my game randomly, when I hovered my mouse over greens dropping.
I assume that it only occurs from a few items, since it happens rarely.

It also seems to only crash if you are wearing gear that give you +skill bonuses of any kind. I cleared an area, then took off all my gear and moused over all the drops with no issue. Then re-equipped one item with + to all skill and moused over all the drops again and it crashed on one of the rare items.

Hope that info may help.

Yup, same as the others, getting a crash when mousing over random loot it seems like. Will add more detail if I find it while playing. Appreciate the hard work on the mod!

Is Grimarillion going to keep the Devotion node tweaks that Cornucopia has?

It seems like the Triple Density setting of Grimmest canā€™t be enabled.

Triple setting was a left-over from some tests Asylum did with the script and he forgot to remove it before releasing the update. So yes, it does nothing currently.

So Double spawns is the most we can do? I feel thatā€™s not enough compared to how high you can set the hero spawns.

Yes, double spawn is max. Jiaco made the script and took a break from modding, he said that when heā€™s back he will update it and possibly add higher spawns.

Thatā€™s great to hear, thanks!

It appears that Strategem of the Vagabond isnā€™t converting Vitality damage as it says.

Iā€™m having a tag not found ā€œskillclassnameā€ on character screen.

It seems it only appears when I have a combination of D3, TQ, Zenith classes. Any fix?

The MODā€™s own class name is read only when the MOD is run. So it is inevitable that you will first see ā€œTag notf ound skilll class name.ā€
After running the mod, you will return to the main menu and you will see the class name displayed correctly.

Not sure.

Good question, it will be fixed in the next update.

Sooo, turn Wrath of Zeus into Boon of Morpheus (new Dream exclusive), but in the Storm Mastery? :smiley: Lol, no but seriously, most of the skills are kinda set in stone now, any big changes will require redoing some of the item updates that are planned and itā€™s not worth the effort.

Not sure it is something I can fix.

Cornucopia hasnā€™t been incorporated into the mod for some time, it was removed because it was vastly outdated.

Iā€™ve already taken inspiration from TQ Atlantis for the recent skill additions, there will be no other skill additions from it. Rune mastery, maybe one day but not any time soon, I forget how many times it is now that people keep asking, but the answer is the same.

What is wrong with epialos? Being ā€œshittyā€ doesnā€™t really describe the issue enough.

Force of Nature is already quasi-permanent if you pickup some cooldown reduction items and use Refresh. Canā€™t really make him permanent with how strong he is compared to something like Shamanā€™s temp pet which Iā€™m pretty sure he already outshines.

Known issue, post in @Cenoā€™s Zenith thread and bug him about it til he releases a fix :rofl:

You mean until I remove the skill from existence because there is no fix? :zantai:

Already done and replaced, release pending other things.

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Orbital strike to a broken skill sounds like a fix to me!
