[REL] Grimarillion v91

Hello my friend! I downloaded the v68 version and am having a problem …
The Devil’s Crossing gate won’t open and I can’t get the other missions there … do I have to install anything other than v68?
Thank you very much.

  1. Rename the mod folder “release” into “grimarillion”.

  2. Make sure Grimarillion is selected in “custom game”.

  3. Own AoM and FG for v68 to work properly.

I did all this and still can’t open the gate = (

Is the current latest version compatible with the latest update? last release was back in june?

It works but it uses the previous update before 1.1.4. It doesn’t have the latest Grim Dawn patch updates.

As ASYLUM101 does not put the latest version on OP for long time, stray sheep are mass-produced. :worried:
The latest version is here. Download this v68a instead of v68. All you need is this one. Delete the previous version.

I just downloaded this version and I’m still having the same problem, the Devil’s Crossing gate won’t open = (

Did you put this mod correctly?
Did not make grimarillion in grimarillion folder?

No man, I put the grimarillion folder with the database / resources files inside the mod folder

And, of course, do you have all the DLC installed?
In that case, I can not think more than this. :pensive:

I only have dlc Ashes of Malmouth, is that why it’s not working? The new dlc I have not bought yet…

I just downloaded the mod grim quest to do a test and the gate opened …
I’m not understanding anything lol

grim quest is an older version, so that probably works with AoM as there was no FG yet when it was released, grimarillion requires FG

Tomorrow I’ll buy the FG

The Eiphalos doesnt do as much dmg as one Guardian of the Empyrion despite maxing the whole Eiphalos line and using the acid transmuter with the same +dmg and +acid buffs. Maybe the basic attack could be buffed or something?

Main issue with Force of Nature is with how long it takes to come out when summoned. What Mood suggested earlier up the posts seemed reasonable.

I also love the Bone Fiend from the Spirit Mastery, my favourite pet amongst all old and new pets. Any plans to add any new pets to any of the masteries?

What happen about monster? I play normal but have hero monster all map

You have token which allow you to summon guy ,talk to him and you can adjust hero and monster spawn ,have fun :slight_smile:

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Is it possible to request for the templates folder of the mod? I’m editing the chest loot table for my personal preferences. Can’t build properly without the custom templates; AM saying something about missing templates and stuff.

Ok epialos will have some adjustments in the next update to his attack skills and a few bug fixes.

Force of Nature spawn time, noted, it will be adjusted.

No new mastery skills are coming.

skilltree_expanded.zip (1.0 KB)

Thank you!