[REL] Grimarillion


I’m still playing Grimarillon and I’m still having lot of fun :wink:

I have a small comment and I’m not sure if it comes from Cornucopia, Zenith or Grimmest, so I’m supposing here is the right place to post it.

The crit chances are really low compared to the vanilla, aren’t they?

I’m in the jagged waste near pine barrens lvl 38 and the monsters near me are 39. I’m playing a Outride/Elementalist and there is 3 skills to boost OA and I’ve maxed all of them so engine of war +118OA, elemental flow +84OA, and flameblade +144OA for a total of +246 which I think is huge for a toon lvl38.

At the moment, I have 1137 OA and the crit chances against a random white foe is ~9%. But since I’ve already put all the points I could in the skill boosting my OA, the difference between my OA and their DA will shrink.

Am I missing something?

Cornucopia did adjust crit chances, but should have simply made it easier to crit. PM me a zip file of your character?

oh,thank you, i got it. maybe the tip for sanctified bone could be changed as it still says ‘could be used in head and chest’.

@Ceno Do you know what skill this should be? Or won’t it give to it anyways because of the Invalid Profile thingy?

It’s linked to a skill that isn’t present in grimarillion

It has been fixed in the last Cornucopia hotfix.

By the way, in the Spined Cove act 2, there was a boss (Baron Wradlith, Lord of the Lost Souls). I just cleaned the area and I didn’t see him at all, and it’s not the first time. Has he been moved or something ?

Wow that was fast, thanks, now to wait for Grimarillion update <3 Really appreciate all your hard work guys!

Flametouched. The error was that ‘flametouched’ is labeled as ‘blastshield’ in the gamefiles…

As others have said, it’s fixed in Cornucopia itself.

So I can just go to the cornucopia mods thread and throw it in to the grimarillion folder?

If you unpack Grimarillion, do the above, and repack Grimarillion, yeah, should work.

So, dno if this has already been reported but I found this Tag not found bug on a crystal ring. :

Found this Tag not found: Invalid Skill Profile bug on a Crystal ring, didnt find any report about it so here I am… If this has already been reported feel free to delete this post or whatever :slight_smile:

Thanks for the report, will be fixed on the next GQ update, hopefully by the end of the week.

Hello, can I ask where can we get items which + skills to Zenith ?
Are those available at all?

no I think Ceno hasn’t created any yet

v024 is up.


And the bug report is in Ravna is bugged. Reverting, rebuilding, reuploading. Should be ready in about 15-20 minutes.

Ok, v025 is ready.

Alternative hosting provided by 420WeedWizard here (starting with v0.2.5: Thanks 420WeedWizard!)

Download version 0.2.5 here:

tagnotfound error of an amulet. and-85% skill energy cost seems don’t work

What version of Grimarillion are you using?