[REL] Grimmer and Grimmest

Run past them. Afaik the only regenerator I ran into like that was the eyeball.

Grimmest v1.9 is ready.

This is a housecleaning release. Various monsters had nerfs since the dbrs were acquired by the mod and they are now reflected in Grimmest. In addition, various dbrs that were actually not needed by the mod were removed.

Of course this kind of cleaning may have introduced bugs, so I need to release now and then commence work on version 2.0, which should be full of more “Grimmest”-type fixes and additions. But I do not want to start the round of modding in the context of the mess that was my 1.8 folder. I even found some records from GrimQuest accidentally made there way in there.

NOTICE: If you use Grimmest in your mod, you need to do a clean update to purge records that are not needed. If you just drag on drop this on top of the old one, these dead dbrs will persist.


I can’t believe it. I installed this mod and now all my boss- and mobcounters are reset. My shrine-counter also down to 6 but the shrines in the world are restored still.
And my recipes also. Had that much but now only 3 left.

And i killed several hero mobs now, but still training dummy is mentioned as greatest monster killed.
And the main reason i tried this thing out, was to have more mobs ingame and this is not happening. Still have the same numbers.
And the inventory is emptied of components also, i had that much blood and hearts and dynamite, most of the stuff is gone now. Seems the mod loaded a elder version of the inventory also
What a shit.

None of what you describe can be caused by the mod.

When having a mod active, GD generally uses different chars from your main campaign ones unless you fiddle around with stuff. Is that why you have an old version of your char now ?
What happens when you play without the mod, is it your regular char again ?

Well no, the char remains like that, when i change back to the former mod also. But i play with cheat tables also, not sure if this has something to do with it.

Actually i tried it out on another pc, i had there my intact char. That intact char i backed up and then installed grimmest. Now this char has exactly the same destroyed stats like my other char on my facebook. I switched back to the other mod and dropped my backed up char into the folders but still the destroyed char there only.
Even with the mod completely removed again the game won’t take my backup char, its gone. so i have a char with crippled stats and all the shrines and quests are gone also…only chapter 1 is solved, all the others are not

so you played a mod before, not vanilla ?

chars are not distinguishing between mods (unlike shared stashes), but the game distinguishes between vanilla and chars of any mod

Actually i tried it out on another pc, i had there my intact char. That intact char i backed up and then installed grimmest. Now this char has exactly the same destroyed stats like my other char

very odd, I hope you made a backup first…

I switched back to the other mod and dropped my backed up char into the folders but still the destroyed char there only.

just to cover all bases, which dir did you copy the backed up char in to copy over the mod-char ?

Well when you ask me for a mod , now i remember i downloaded legendary cap remover and used it. Maybe this caused the the damage on my char ?

The path of my backup was (C:)\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\xxxxxxxx\219990\remote\save\main , but for sure this is ok.

that would be the dir the vanilla GD chars are in, mod chars are in user instead of main.
They also have a flag set in the file, so you cannot just copy them around from main to user and vice versa though.

If you still have the original user-char somewhere, try overwriting the broken one with it

Hello Jiaco,

I have a request, can you make option for grimmest to choose between spawn mode like Davood-Dail did and in the meantime update the Grimarillion MOD please ?


-ModeA: Full monster spawn for regular, champion , heros, boss
-ModeB: semi spawn
-ModeC: vanilla difficulty etc…

I would appreciate:)

I recently installed the mod and migrated my vanilla game character using the symbolic link method outlined on other websites. I am able to see the Grimmest_v1.9 ~world001.map custom game, and I am able to play my vanilla character that I migrated with all gear and skills as expected, but as I play Grimmest, I am unable to actually tell that anything has changed.

I see the patch notes talk of a healing item called Bacon, bosses spawning 2 and 3 at a time, increased champion monsters, some auto-pickup feature etc, but I have not noticed any of these things myself.

Is there some definitive thing I can do or place I can go to in order to see if the mod is truly active for my custom game?

My character is level 72 and in late Elite mode if that matters.

I fear you have the mod inside a folder too deep.

Should be GrimDawn/mods/grimmest/database and GrimDawn/mods/grimmest/resources. I package my mods in an outer folder with the version number, you do not want that outer folder inside your mods folder, just the inner Grimmest folder and the contents within.

I up the post.

Thank you so much for the quick reply! You were spot on, it was a layer too deep and I was able to tell the difference the second I loaded it up properly.

I’ve only seen the first few rooms of Cronley’s hideout and it’s already a blast! Thank you for the tech support and the awesome mod.

Sorry, but that is not really the point of this mod. Grimmest is, most likely, one of the many modes of a DAIL install, making modes for Grimmest, especially where one of them means no mod at all, is not something I plan to do.

As of now, there is no semi spawn mode anyway, it is all or nothing.

Still need to learn a bit more about the xpac before any modding can happen. But I will get this updated as soon as it is technically possible.

Lovely to hear. Will it be fully compatible with the Ashes of Malmouth in the next update?

thanks for your efforts. no rush. I think we r all enjoying what the xpac has to offer atm.

Thanks Jiaco, I can’t remember its been a long time, but its sure boring on normal imo, will I be able to transfer my new chars to Grimmer/Grimmest at a later time, if not I will just wait til you have the update to start playin

I attempted to fix Grimmest this morning, but am rusty and could not figure out how to properly unpack the xpac even. wip

Looking forward to this being updated! Love the density increase.