[REL] Increased Champion Spawns


I enjoy Grim Dawn a lot but I feel like champions, and heroes especially are a little too infrequent personally.

This is a simple mod that makes heroes drastically more likely to spawn, increases the hero limit (so you can have duplicates of normally unique heroes), and increases the amount of champions/heroes that are allowed to spawn.

This DOES NOT affect bosses, either nemesis bosses or quest bosses. I only wanted more random heroes while playing.

Technical Details (Skip if you just want to play the mod!)

Since modifying the chances and limits required editing every individual spawn pool I decided to write a Python library to parse DBR files and make them easier to edit. Using the script I skipped any spawn pools that have ignoreGameBalance set, or had championChance unset or at 0.

If it wasn’t skipped for those reasons I raised championChance to 100%, and added 5 to championMin and championMax.

Then for all of the champion entries in each pool I modified the weights to use 3 for heroes (‘lv7’ mobs), and 1 for champions. I multiplied each hero’s limit by 3.

This is the script used to make those changes, not including the library (which is quite a bit larger). If anyone is interested in using this library to make other mass edits/analysis feel free to send me a PM explaining what you’re trying to do with it. I don’t mind open sourcing the project, but I’m not going to preemptively spend time documenting it if no one needs to use it.

I suggest using symbolic links to use the same character on the normal campaign/crucible and the mod since there should be no incompatibilities between the two. See here for a tutorial.

I don’t think that’s a great explanation of the process, but I don’t feel like writing a tutorial myself right now. If anyone else has a better tutorial link please let me know.

Enjoy :slight_smile:

Attachment: increasedchampionspawns.zip

Very nice. I wonder if you and jiaco could share notes to make a mutant of the Grimmest density mod. :smiley:

What did you have in mind? I could ask him about it, but I haven’t played it yet.

nice work

looking at your .lua im learning some new things :smiley:


great mod for base game, but i would like to know is it working with the expansion packs as well?

ps: sorry for my english it’s not my native language:)

Br, Adam

hi sorry I’m quite new to mods so not sure if this will sound dumb or not but I’m currently using the grimarillion mod which requires me to use a custom map to play. Is it possible to use this mod in conjunction with another mod? thanks mate