Remove phys -> cold conversion on Executioner's Judgement

So physical to cold conversion was removed on (Mythical) Night’s Embrace in order to make it work for pierce builds too, which is great imo.
Shouldn’t (Mythical) Executioner’s Judgement get the same treatment?


isn’t/wasn’t the difference that Night’s Embrace was or wanted to be used in actual pierce builds, where as Executioner doesn’t have the same desire, (and cold cadence actually wants the cold conversion?)

*this is not me arguing against the suggestion (i think the suggestion fits)

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It already has 100% phys->cold on cadence specifically, so that should be ok?

It does for Cadence but you still need to convert the Physical from Deadly Momentum.

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Ah the usual: “Why does this have skill specific conversion while I still need to convert it globally for others stuff?” :sweat_smile: