Actually, feel free
For all my obsession with Pets, a major flaw that I have is that I am too set in my ways regarding how I make my builds. And even with my meme builds, I rarely deviate from that style unless I am tailor making something for someone at their request.
As such, there are times when certain things elude my attention as I fail to even consider the possibility.
So, it is kind of a delight when someone comes in with something unexpected like @Nola’s Hybrid.
Speaking of which, I would love to see its performance in SR as Crucible atm is not exactly Pet Friendly based on my recent experiences. So it might have better luck there.
For example, my meme builds can’t complete Crucible either. But they still manage SR 75-76 in SC (with difficulty and deaths, but still…)
And discussion related to this if needed, can always be moved to The Carnival - A Guide to Pets where it might be more relevant