When clicking on villagers and attempting to rename them (sometimes I rename them with what might be their title; e.g., Miner Joe, Father Patrick, etc), if I attempt to start typing the new name with a cap letter, it stops me from being able to complete the typing process. If I start with a lower case, it can complete…however…if I attempt to go back and highlight the whole name to retype it again, it became stuck with just a single lower case letter and then would not let me highlight, or retype it in any way.
Minor issue but now that they are stuck with a single lower-case letter, it’s odd looking if I have their names active (F3).
I fully admit to a 12-yr-old chuckle when I see my friend’s name come up as the nightsoil shoveler.
Edit: Just a note to indicate that I don’t run mods or anything that modifies the game in any way. In addition, if I exit out of FF and then Steam entirely, it will allow me to come back and highlight the single letter and retype the name (still not allowing the initial cap letter though). And in general, if I try using a cap anywhere else in the name, it works fine…the issue is specific to that very first letter.
I don’t know what I’m talking about but can [SPACE] act like a letter? Before typing in your capital letter put a [space] in front then type. Otherwise use a small case letter first, the same for all your renamings then follow with the capital first letter of your new name. Just as iPod, eMail, etc. Use the same first letter everytime and your brain will overlook it.
Okay, this is a tangential Renaming Villagers issue but since we’re here:
I avidly renamed my villagers when I first started playing FF, only to discover that the names would recycle later in ways that broke immersion. For example, to keep track of who was an original settler or a later immigrant, I had a prefix I would attach - A1 Ulrich for example - which per my own weird OCD preferences was gratifying.
Generations later though, another A1 Ulrich would spawn and it became clear that this wasn’t going to work. Essentially, changing a villager’s name seems to change it in the pool of potential names, not specifically for that individual villager. (Then these names popped up for years afterwards which I had to gradually weed out of the name pool.)
I would sure be impressed and delighted if the devs could make names unique to villagers, and not come back around after that villager dies. Say, for your own lore, you name a nightsoil shoveler Stinky Dave - we don’t want to see another poor child get born into the town with the name Stinky Dave, right?
I remember playing the original Tropico YEARS ago and renaming villagers this way, and it worked great. So, it must be possible, right?
We cannot reproduce this issue. Mr. capital T Test works fine here
Same with his brother T Tester
I am having the same issue. I am not sure exactly what is happening, but sometimes when you rename a villager, something else in the game steals the cursor’s “focus” and pulls it out of the text box mid-sentence, so you can’t type anymore. If you pause the game then rename the villager, the issue does not occur because nothing is happening in the game to steal the cursor’s focus out of the text box. But if not paused, the issue is very intermittent. It might be from the villager changing tasks while you’re renaming them or something to that effect, but it does happen a lot. You’ll be typing and suddenly the cursor isn’t in there so the name is unfinished and you have to try again.
You probably won’t notice if you only rename a couple villagers, but if you rename many, you’re bound to run into it.
Thank you for taking a look at it.
It has happened every single time I’ve tried it, game paused or not (as another suggested), since several updates ago. Ironically, when I went back in after I read your reply, it works fine now.
The repro seems to require doing the name edit while the game is unpaused. We’ll look into it.