I have no idea why this is an issue but it really is. I get stuff decays and needs repair…so please… add a REPAIR BUTTON or some such. Why does repairing stuff send me to my therapist???
Because it was a bug which should be fixed in v0.7.5d.
Even if the issue is fixed I’d still like a “prioritize repair” button. The Swedish translation says “the building is falling apart, you can chose to repair it”, no I can’t.
It’s not fixed. I am playing the latest version afaik. Imo either make it completely automatic, or give us a repair button/menu.
The fix seems to only fix extremely critical buildings and not buildings that have not reached the critical love.
Or engineer office which worker is tasked just for repairs.
Yes it is a bug unfortunately. I am taking a break until they fix the condemned building settings and have an option to repair buildings. I had to keep tearing them down completely when they where low then rebuild and it’s quite tedious to do.
Voting up.
I waited 2 or 3 years for labourers to bring resources and repair the building to no avail. Resources were present in the storage, there were over 23 labourers and 20 builder slots. Still building was decaying.
Buildings i wanted to prioritize were at 23 and all minor unimportant ones were repaired.
So annoying!
Cannot play as is. The buildings need a repair button. I dont know if the workers are supposed to auto repair? I basically shut down everything running in my town and everything still was falling apart. I’m running 0.75E
I have had 7 condemned builds that I have to rebuild and another 5 I used the move command to get the builds repaired to avoid them from being condemned. Worse is the builds that are need repairs have been critical in the past. It seems it is effecting the same building over again.
I made a post similar to this in the bug forum.
I have seen the durability on my buildings with the latest patch sped up considerably and on top of that, it just seems like the builders either can’t keep up with the speed of deterioration or they simply don’t repair them at all. And this is after I maxed out the builders at 100 and had over 150 laborers (my town maxed out at 1000 people).
I think this is something that should have a high priority to be fixed by the devs. That or just get rid of durability entirely.
Or add a repair button. That would be great.
The condemned buildings epidemic is not fixed, I am getting it far too often for no good reason, often multiple instances on the same buildings within a very short time of fixing them. Also the workaround ‘move to same spot’ is often denied if it says ‘ground is too steep’ even though the ‘condemned’ house sat fine on the same spot after I’d already flattened it. I am finding since the last patch that the move tactic isn’t working and the houses continue to revert to condemned en mass a short while later… it’s a serious time waste
For the people that tested the fix the auto repair is working correct.
You need Builders (Not Busy) and the Resources, at 60% a bar shows up and it should be fixed with in less than a minute or so.
If its not then there is something else going on you may want to report your special case including your archived save directory so it can be checked. (Via google drive in most cases.)
Under the Bug Report area
There use to be a issue but they worked on it. If you have the workers available they WILL repair your building. Stop putting every build on “PRIORITY” and they will get to it quickly. Stop building stuff and allow your town to idle for a season or two and THEY WILL repair your buildings.
Yank Miners out to be laborers, disband your army, Do what ever you need to have laborers and builders and they WILL, if you dont have other stuff queued for construction, repair everything.