This change also the music and ambient or just the background?
I didn’t have music on but the package contains
I uploaded new versions.
Yes, this also changes the menu music.
It seems to me that the time spent to actually reply why you don’t have the time to implement this feature (which has been done more than once) is about the same as the time spent to implement a menu option to switch between screens that already exist, but what do I know?
I don’t know, did you account for the time it would take for me to study programming languages, learn the software, acquaint myself with the codebase and implement the change?
Adding an option to switch the main menu takes a lot longer than you might think.
Then who did the menu options changes that were done recently? Are they no longer working for Crate?
Um, the programmers on the team? Of which I am not one.
Well didnt mean to be rude or something, was tired as hell and wanted to see where you stand in some feedback and suggestions, nevermind, I love GD, and I’m sure you do as well since you’ve put thousands of hours in making it, so thank you for that!
I hope I didn’t sound ungrateful. You have made a lot of good recent changes that I am happy about. The one that has come to mind often recently is making spirit and cunning useful for endgame and not having every character with max physique. Great change!
Ah I haven’t had a chance to try it out yet. Got 'em downloaded tho. Will probably give it a whirl in a bit here.
@GlockenGerda - Just wondering, is it possible to upload a package also that contains the FG menu too? For people that have a need to disable FG and/or AoM. I actually wonder if it would still work with one or the other disabled. My thinking is that it would, or should, but I might be wrong.
AHHHH you are my hero! Even before it loaded, I heard that dismal drone of the Malmouth menu song, and I had that wonderful familiar feeling. I guess it’s just cause I’ve been looking at the cacti for a while now, but this menu has never looked better.
How did you get rid of the bird? Is there a way to remove it from the loading screen, or is that just an edit on your part?
The screenshot is just how it looks in my game. Try re-downloading the files, he updated them a little while ago.
The “bird” is an addition of Grim Internals. Dunno if there is a setting to remove it.
New (and final) version uploaded.
I had to get rid of the FG particle effect because of an incompatibility with GI.
No, that is not possible.
If someone disabled FG he/she can’t use the main menu of FG, because the needed FG database (gdx2.arz) is no longer available.
Alright cool… sucks a little but not completely surprising.
I figured that out by launching the original version, and solved the problem by deleting “creatures.arc” from the resources folder in _GrimInternalData, but your method is better, thanks.