Request: more "endgame" focus in Fangs of Asterkarn

I watched the livestream and it got me very excited! However, I’d like to suggest the biggest opportunity for fun content is not necessarily more campaign areas, but instead additional options for pushing high-level characters to their max. The campaign is already one of Grim Dawn’s top aspects, but it’s also already long and community mods make it significantly longer still. Leveling up characters through the campaign is fun, but tweaking them and testing them once fully developed is also arguably even more fun for a lot of folks. The “ascendant” mode sounds very cool, and crafting improvements are amazing, but I would personally love to see more mechanics like Crucible and Shattered Realm as well to allow me to continue having fun with existing builds.

As concrete examples, things that would make Grim Dawn go from a 9 to a 10 (har har :wink:) for me include:

  • Alternative forms of advancement for characters. E.g., instead of raising the level cap, allow characters to earn XP at maximum level towards additional small boosts. One good inspiration here is Everquest where you could use your experience at max level to purchase upgrades that would boost existing skills, provide passive defensive boosts, etc.
  • A way to allow for a feeling of progress with items in the endgame. One of the things that’s cool about games like the Disgaea series is that you can level up the items themselves to boost their stats. What if I could somehow empower my items (say, give them a 5% boost or something, needn’t be dramatic) by running a dungeon that’s associated with that item specifically. Another possibility would just be allowing a blacksmith to upgrade items in exchange for rare materials and a high cost.
  • Revamp bounties so that, instead of reputation, you gain some kind of currency of those factions. Instead of achieving a certain level of reputation and then using regular currency, you could essentially “spend” reputation, which would let me continue working on it over time instead of just capping it and never thinking about it again.
  • Rare “trophies” from bosses. If I run a boss enough times, I can get a rare drop that I hold onto in my inventory that gives me some nice bonuses. With Monster Infrequents becoming less infrequent, there’s room for ultra-rare drops from bosses that aren’t necessarily build-defining, but just something to strive for.

I’m obviously no natural game designer, I just really like Grim Dawn and want to have more to grind for on each character!


Crate said in the dev stream that the level cap won’t be raised.

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