[Request] Nemesis farming made easier

Dear modders,

Please oh please, would it be possible to create a mod which would display a message ‘You feel a presence far more powerful then you’ when entering a zone that has a nemesis in it? :rolleyes:
Similar to the one you get on normal/veteran when entering Depraved Sanctuary.

Apologies if such a thing was asked before, tried to search for it but found nothing.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

pls _

Why would it facilitate the search for Nemesis? It’d be easier to mark it on the map. Not sure if it’s possible though.

I’d love something along these lines, I don’t find Nemesis hunting to be fun or interesting gameplay.

ok i just did this to _nemesis.lua . i added notifications via text… i’ll leave htem in because…

it works but only if your really close to where they spawn. which sucks… there doesn’t seem to be a way to know where they will spawn in advance. the actual spawning only happens when a player is close enough for the spawn to be needed / visible.

its possible. but would have to be turned into quests

alternatively you could remove this

		aetherialSpawned = true

and other similarily named lines from each nemesis spawn entry and then you could enjoy every spawn point of every nemesis every map re roll ;o

Damn, thanks for trying at least. I suppose you might be able to give them static spawns, but that would probably make it too easy in comparison to the rewards.

That’s how I feel about Benn’Jhar and Valdaran. Too many spawn locations in too many remote and crazy areas, if I want to find them in a single game I have to have the thread open and refer to maps with circles on them to guide me - I don’t enjoy that much alt-tabbing when I’m playing an ARPG. (I don’t do this, I spam games with shorter, fun routes and leave it to RNG).

Moos, Fabius and Zantarin… I enjoy. The runs take a few minutes but they’re not overwhelming. It’s not too difficult to memorize a route.

Is it possible to remove some of the spawn locations from the annoying two? Eliminate some zones entirely?

A single location for the nemesis should be doable though, I don’t know which file(s) to change though.

You have to change the default world for the spawn locations. Each Nemesis is spawned via proxies so you have to remove the number of proxies locations available for it to spawn till you only have 1 left. However the less proxies you have the less likely they are to spawn in that game session from what I’ve found.