[Request] Some kind of HP Bars

Hey Folks,

iam really bad in modding and stuff like that, so i thought i can come up here with some Request, i searched already but didnt found what i wanted there.

Maybe the discussion was in the Forum already, i dont know. Sorry if i missed that. But i woud love to have some kind of HP bars in the game, just for the overview, it can simply be a little dot over the Monsters Head with changing Colors. Green Yellow Red for example, so the player get any clue whats going on in the AOE & the big mob groups.

Bars itselfe are to laggy in other modded games so maybe the Dot idear is a better solution.

Can you guys tell me something about? is it possible? to hard to do? Someone with the skills and the Time is interested in?

Thank you all, and sorry for my english.
Greetings from Germany <3

adding new elements to the UI is not possible. changing existing elements, possible in most cases.

overhead ui bars = new element… so…

Well, that was quick, thanks alot for your fast response!

I just had an idea (which another modder can try) that would be almost like an overhead health bar, but kinda like a shitty version of one…

If someone had the time, they could give ALL creatures a couple “on health” autocast exclusive buffs(has to be exclusive to make sure only one can be active), that do nothing but create an effect on the creature. You could have 2 of them, one at 66% HP, and one at 33%. When the first triggers, the creature is at 66%, and perhaps the exclusive aura shows as a yellow orb or ring around their feet or halo, and the second triggers at 33% HP, and shows as a red one instead. I dunno, who knows, it’s up to whoever actually works this into a mod on the colors and effects, but I think this would be an “ok” workaround, if not a bit annoying to look at visually…