Figured I should share this. Everyone making new masteries or changing the layout of the old ones is going to start searching for the correct button positions. So you would start looking at other buttons with the position you want for your new/changed button to be at. An alternative is calculating the new position, but I dont feel like doing that after positioning a couple of them.
When you find yourself inside the ui/skills/class0x/skillxx.dbr you’ll see a field for “bitmapPositionX” and “bitmapPositionY”.
bitmapPositionX => Skill Tier
bitmapPositionY => Skill Row
The Transmuters (grey rows) made it a little messy, but should still make finding the right position easier. Maybe Ill make one without the transmuters and another with only transmuters later.
When you just need the X coord, look at the Tiers at the bottom (also includes required point investment for masteries). You can simply look at the bottom row using the number at the top. For T1 x=245; T7 x=725.
If you give a little write up I’d love to link from tutorial, but it is non-obvious on use. I am pretty sure I get it, but a little more info would make it awesome documentation.
I made one of these as well but mine was way messier, this is pretty good.
@Rorschachrev, there’s not much to say about this, I’m not sure how it is non-obvious. When you edit the UI for skills (ui/skills/playerclass0X), you require X/Y coordinates. The X coords align with the tier levels, and increment by 80 per tier. The Y coords are 70 units apart, with the exception of transmuters, which are around 32 units below the skill line they are assigned to.
Actually found an error in one of the transmuter rows fixed it - if there is anything else let me know, I used an Excel table to copy/paste the numbers including lines and colors, it makes fixing things easy.
Another tip for this, what I did for changing/customizing UI art for the mastery selection screen was to open up the file in photoshop (not gonna go into how to do that) or whatever art program you have, assuming they have this same feature.
When your file is open you can cut/paste whatever you want, if you just want to move things around. When you have things arranged how you want, you can click transform (ctrl T I think for PS), then move the “center” to the top left corner. While the transform bar is still active on the top of your screen, you can see the coordinates relative to the size of your document. Top left is 0,0, bottom right will be the full document size, for mastery selection it was somewhere around ~1000 by ~650.
If I need to go over that in more detail I can, as it was extremely helpful to me.