Retaliation damage and having 60%+ Bleeding/Pierce overcaps - name more iconic duo

So basically the title. I was tooling together melee Stoneguard Warlord for Retaliation feedback and here is what I ended up with:

Pierce and Bleeding resists are so so common on retaliation gear/devotions, especially physical ones. I suggest that some of it is changed to Vitality/Aether/Chaos/Acid resists.

Had same exact issue almost 5 years ago. Good to know some things don’t change.

(also, stun res says hello)


can confirm, same for li retal: Warder, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

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“name a more iconic duo”

Panetti and 100-200% elemental overcap. Probably to compensate for something but don’t know what :roll_eyes:

Surely Fangs of Asterkarn is introducing a boss with 100% Elemental RR that is gonna make Panetti builds good for something

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Mogdrogen: do i mean nothing to you after all this time together? image

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Z did “spoil” a Celestial ? :face_with_monocle:

“Legends speak of a glorious roc for whom the very winds of Asterkarn change their course.”

Elemental version of Callagadra. Invisible wind devils on icy/snowy ground :laughing:

Finally a boss worthy of Panetti and 200%++ elemental overcap.

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…NO :unamused: