I’m trying a retaliation build, but as I’m playing I find I’m lacking some knowlegde about retaliation. As such, I ended up googling, and boy-o-boy, I am not the only one asking questions but I did found most of these questions/answers lacking, some of the questions are referring to the old forum so the page no longer exists. So here I go, asking similar questions I guess or confirming some things. Asking multiple questions in one go so hopefully all answers/questions are now in one post. If a post like this exists please let me know, I wasn’t able to find it (most retaliation searches get me into builds).
You need to be hit by a melee attack for retaliation damage to return, so dodging won’t return the damage. However, do you return the ret damage when you block with a shield? Or is there a difference with a fully blocked attack and partially blocked attack?
Can retaliation damage crit and is it affected by enemy resists, or is it a flat amount of damage just returned (the way it works in diablo3, if i recall)? (In others words, do i need RR in a ret-build? or only for the % ret added to atttack).
Does the new stat % of ret damage added to attack help me gain on life-steal or is the added ret damage just a flat bonus added afterwards? Example, say if I have a weapon damage 100 dmg, and 1000 ret dmg, and 10% life steal. Assuming righteous fury does 100% weapon damage and 10% ret damage added to attack, would I then steal 20 life on hit, or just 10 from the weapon damage attack portion?
Does damage conversion also apply to retaliation damage? Does this go for armor piercing on weapons as well, converting the physical ret dmg to piercing?
If I have 100 burning damage, and 100 burning retaliation, do both burn sources get applied when in battle with a monster, or will one remove the other (thinking of the 10% ret damage added to attack here as well, then i would do 110 burning damage on attack + 100 burn damage from ret?)
Many questions, but hopefully it helps clearify this for many ppl!