Retaliation mechanic question

I have some questions about retaliation:

  1. Does the +% all retaliation dmg increase retaliation DoT too? i.e the item with x% do y Electrocute Retaliation Over z Seconds benefit from all retaliation dmg too?

  2. Similarly, +% to element retaliation boost their respected element retaliation dmg too?

3.+ % electric dmg or % convert to electric dmg boost Electrocute Retaliation?( I guess not. just to be sure)

  1. Can+% Electrocute Damage With +% Improved Duration boost x Electrocute Retaliation Over y Seconds ?

Thank and sorry for my English

  1. Does the +% all retaliation dmg increase retaliation DoT too? i.e the item with x% do y Electrocute Retaliation Over z Seconds benefit from all retaliation dmg too?

  2. Similarly, +% to element retaliation boost their respected element retaliation dmg too?
    Ofcouse would +% to vitality retaliation boost the retaliation damage of vitality as example.

3.+ % electric dmg or % convert to electric dmg boost Electrocute Retaliation?
No. Retaliation damage can also not be converted.

  1. Can+% Electrocute Damage With +% Improved Duration boost x Electrocute Retaliation Over y Seconds ?

You might also wanna check out this here.

thank you, great tool btw , I’m definitely gonna try it tonight