Returning player questions?

Hello 2 simple questions I started playing GD again after 2 years of hospital stay “rolls eyes”. But I lost all my saves and what not. I remember there was a community project with stashe for download for different stuff but I can’t find it, and second what was the mod that colors atributes on items in different colors.

Welcome back, hope you’re fighting fit again now. :slightly_smiling_face:

Not sure what tool/mod you’re talking about, but you can have a look here to see if you can find it in either of these.

As for the colours that would be the Rainbow Filter tool.

Note that most tools/mods will only work properly with the latest version of the game (v1.1.9.1) and if you have both the Ashes of Malmouth and Forgotten Gods expansions.

Yes that’s exactly I meant it was not a mod or tool but something like a forum subpage where ppl contributed legit dropped item to the man supervising it and he made stash files with different stuff like materials weapons armors Mi’s etc and you just download and replace the one in your documents folder… found it but it seems obsolete and links arent working it was called GD sidekick guess I will have to learn to use the gd stash tool.

I think I have vague recollections of it, but it seems the creator hasn’t been around since October last year.

Or play from scratch :wink:

This. With the recent addition of monster totems and the new areas Crate added to the game it doesn’t take long to build up your collection from scratch.

Yeah, and you can do a ton with beginner builds / target farmable gear anyway and don’t need all top items to have fun even do SR.

Another quick question. I started with my fav (albeit not that strong build) pistol purifier. In my devotion trees I kinda planned to go revenant but needed to take elemental storm to begin with. One reduces target’s elemental resistances while raise the dead reduses all resistances. do they stack in any way or it’s one or the other and which one would be best for fire/lightinging/burning purifier.

They don’t stack. I personally prefer Elemental Storm on such builds.
I’ve checked 2 Pistol Purifier builds and they also have Elemental Storm.