Ricochet / Bouncing / Homing projectiles

I think it would be fun to see ricochet projectile that could bounce multiple times against walls.This kinds of effect would be great in small rooms or corridor while not as powerfull in open areas, so there could be more strategic use.
For example you could increase the distance or number of times the projectile could ricochet before disapearing according to the skill level.

Also other projectile effects I would like to see, if the engine could be modified to do this in a futur expansion:

  • slow moving homing projectile that target ennemy and follow them as they move.
  • projectile that launches fragements every X ms like frozen orb that doesn’t need to hit an ennemy to launch it’s spikes.

For the time being you can try a chain lightning effect with a different texture, there might be a way to make it look like a projectile ricocheting. It does exactly what you want with bounces/distance.

Homing can be done by creating a projectile that spawns a pet when the projectile ‘dies’, then the pet casts the same spell towards an enemy.

Fragments, you can make an AOE fragment infinitely as long as it exists iirc. Something like eruption, it does exactly that but doesn’t move. You might be able to create a workaround with creative thinking.

Of course an actual template would be better…But just in case.

Thank Asylum101.
I didn’t try the chain lightning effect because I think it only bounces between monsters not against walls.
What I want to do is an explosion of X bubbles from a monster.Each bubble will pass through ennemy (100% piercing chance) and only bounce when they hit a wall or obstacle, not when hitting a monster.

Something a little like Vaal Sparks in Path of Exile but with bubble instead of sparks and not vanishing when hitting an ennemy.

Oh well that yeah not possible without a new template. Sorry I guess I misread that