Can’t map health potions to right or left mouse buttons.
This is not a bug, but we will consider allowing Evade/Potions to be bound on the quickbar again in a future update.
Cool deal. thank u sir.
It this means a possibility for Health Potion to be on 0-9 Hotbar then I’d use it myself
because I like to see the cooldowns of my skills in one place, close to each other
for example
1 - Pneumatic Burst
2 - Health Pot
3 - Mark of Torment
on the Hotbar
Mine already are. I didn’t want them in the default locations so changed them back to 9 and 0 during playtesting. Have you tried to see if you can change them to the hotbar?
One can already put EVADE on the hotbar (“0” - “9”), via keybinding in options. The respective key just doesn’t get an icon. Just FYI
unless I’m missing something, I don’t see a way of doing this for health/energy potions. Tried binding health pot to key 0, but it still on works with E
I didn’t mean just the keybind (which works ofc) but also the visual icon so that you can see cooldown on it on the 0-9 hotbar instead of the new place
No, I don’t see them in 9 and 0 on the hotbar, but they are labelled 9 anx 0 in the new place.
As said, I set the keybindings during playtesting so whether anything changed that in a later playtest update I don’t know.
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