Thanks to user Autentist for the idea, I made a Rimetongue Infiltrator Gunslinger. Please tell me what you think or how to Improve it. (changed to match Belzzzz suggestions)
Devotion path: OK
Mastery points:
- You should take more RR => max Night’s Chill and Aura of Censure;
- max Lethal Assault;
- 12/12 Shadow Dance;
- At least 1 point in Storm Spread;
- At least 1 point in Blade Barrier.
- Take either Rune of Hagarrad or Stormbox of Elgoloth for DA shred.
- Your components/augments are not optimal. Go to the compendium and have a look at tier 1 builds and how they almost have the same augments/components. And if not, the build creator generally explains his/her choices.
- Boots and Pants could be replaced by MI (for resistance purposes).
- As I said in your other thread on Rimetongue, I don’t think the ring set you chose is optimal; Good “Living Ring” Rings could solve your resistance and health issues.
- Your Medal has no cold synergy: there are at least 2 good ones, from memory, with really good stats for cold nightbale builds.
In general, the build lacks life and stun resist.