Does anyone use it and if so, how do u use it because I really don’t know…
I went to see a poll and it was in 1st place, that is, 1st being worst. And that’s not all. I went through my builds and the only magi ring I never actually managed to use, you guessed it… is Tawrot.
It doesn’t have attack speed, the conversion doesn’t really matter since there are many options for vitality to aether archetype. It barely gives any resistance too. So what gives?
On builds that want to convert vit to aether. (obv)
Also the proc on the ring isn’t bad either, especially if u decide to run two of them & the proc is mostly converted.
Not bad at all, although I do see difficulties in overlapping resists with it and I think the Haunt ring will deliver better damage overall due to its nature of in-built additional RR which tawrot doesn’t have. Was asking this question because, in my mind, I thought nobody used it.
have another look at the build and say that again
I would lose alot of dmg if I were to switch it with haunt ring.
full vit to aether are needed for: siphon souls (ignore the modifier, I’m not using it on this toon for obv reasons, gt just had it clicked outa habbit), doom bolt, impure blast & tip the scales.
I see your point and it makes sense, there is a workaround to it tho. Ygraad belt + haunt ring but then again I am trying to make something out of tawrot and thanks to your idea I am slowly doing… something.
and lose +1 to occ, ele to vit which further helps other procs & skills?!
not happening here.
sure, the vit % isnt high but it’s still alot better then leaving procs with fire dmg
So I tested this one as well and, let’s say they are on par… not worse not better, survivability was eh but I didn’t expect much anyway. You proved me wrong, maybe tawrot is ok-ish after all. It’s like when u can’t afford farming magis haunt version can do justice just fine but maybe that’s my imagination.
not all items have to be the same or top tier
i know i’ve used it once or twice
think one of them was on allagast storm box apostate/mage hunter/both?
Anubar, Khonsar, Sethris has no cast or attack speed,
Orissia has no cast speed
Basti has no attack speed
5/7 magi rings is “missing” 1 or both types of speed
so not exactly the best stat for your comparison
fair points, although for me it feels somewhat empty despite having what it has right now. Maybe it’s because I got spoiled looking at other aether rings. Could be that.
EDIT: btw gnuff would be great if u shared ur build if it’s not top secret. The whole point of this topic was to find users who use it, so that would be very nic.
i would if i had any idea where it was
last year my SSD died out of nowhere, lost many characters that wasn’t backed up, but most importantly, my list of builds/grimtools