RNG and Her Wicked Humor

So ever since the Monster Totems dropped (pun intended) I try to hit every Totem I see. And I play in campaign…a lot (I’m a chronic leveler.) I’ve had schiesse for luck when it comes to getting the Monster Totem specific legendaries to drop. I think I have 3 prior to today.

Today in one gaming session TWO of them dropped from different Totems.

Go figure. :joy:

I can read Whats important


First time I killed Morgoneth

Solid RNG there

I have some insane RNG moments in diabo II that makes the above a common event in comparison

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Okay now see that’s just rubbing it in my face. :smiley:

In memory my biggest RNG win was the very first time I killed Shar’zhul on ultimate the Worldeater dropped. This was so early in my GD playing I had no idea this was a big deal so I promptly put it in my stash and went about my business.

I can sympathise. I think I got two pairs of Batrachos Greaves fairly early on when playing TQIT many years ago. Not knowing how sought after they were at the time I sold them. Never seen a pair since in 12 years of playing the game.

Oh damn. That is just PAINFUL. :hot_face: