RNG conspiracy thread #718

Are you sure it’s only 718? I could have sworn there were a lot more than that. :smiley:

Dear Crate-Team,

finally, I understood the plan you have with me. I´m standing in front of the Shrine in the Sanctum of the Immortal and everything becomes clear.

Oh, you gave me a lot of hints, throughout Elite and Ultimate. You whispered it to me, when I was standing at Etram Fald and gave him all my Hearts, Brains and Blood:

“You´re playing the wrong masteries…change it!”

I think this was the reason you never gave me what I wanted. No Bloodrager´s Set, no Bloodsong. I shouldn´t play a Bleeding Trickster.

Or is there any other reason you gave me my 10th pair of Wyrmscale Boots right now? Then, please tell me…what toon should I play which is wearing this boots?

Dear Community, if anyone wants a pair of boots for free, just send me a message. :slight_smile:

I know, RNG is a bitch. And it is okay, I have everything I want. This community helps a lot, so I got my items with trades. :wink:

My Markovian character and my Ultos character dropped their set on their own. Meanwhile, my Infernal Knight character and Deathmarked character had to either get it from other characters or through trade.

I guess RNG is a troll.

Seriously, there’s no bullshit “seed” or some other stupid conspiracy theory. It’s random, the end

My new hero. I was feeling bad for hijacking that thread.

I’ve been fortunate enough to have the Mantle/Robe pieces of the Clairvoyant set drop for me during the same afternoon whilst farming once and the Wand a few days later. The Blueprint for the Hat was found much earlier on in my playtime but you can always have others craft it for you anyway if you have the materials so it’s not a biggie.

I’ve also had things like 2 Ultos’ Stormseekers and 2 sets of Pretty Great Pants from Direni/Cronley on the same day but different sessions (must be a new Cronley Gang fashion :rolleyes:).

RNG is RNG. Only thing i’m certain of from experience is that lower level Legendaries like Stonefist Rebuke, Venomspine Greaves etc. are more common than Set Pieces or other Legendaries at a similar level like Vortex of Souls which makes sense for a number of reasons.

In game we have random legendary crafter merchant… so just add an expensive mechanic to merchant that converts a set item to another that set’s piece and duplicate set piece problem is fixed.

Explain a little better how it is supposed to work if you would, before I spend too much time on this.

I asked once before I think if certain mobs have better chances of dropping certain gear, or no possibility of dropping other gear. The answer I thought I got was no, everything drops everywhere, but now i am hearing a suggestion that this is not so. Certain mobs do equip and drop certain gear.

So help me understand how a mob drops gear vs a container dropping gear. I am getting the sense that they do not work the same way, that the loot is not globally random.

The usefulness of stating my observations has expired, so ill try asking questions.

Don’t quote me on that, but I would go with:

  • containers drop random loot
  • mobs drop random loot they can equip
  • boss spoils drop random loot

mobs have a tendency to equip items they can use, so a rifleman is more likely o drop a rifle than a bloodsworn priest is, who in turn is probably more likely to drop a caster off-hand or dagger, etc. (making this up, did not verify based on loot tables, but you get the idea)

So if you exclusively kill casters, you get a disproportionate amount of caster gear. Depending on the level range and items in that range maybe that is only one or two items you then get more frequently.

The way I understand it, this is not true for other item drops from chests or even hero loot orbs.

The probability for a mob to have such an item is still low, so chances are it does not overly influence your drops, but by tracking this (dropped from enemy vs dropped from container) we can see if it does make more of a difference than I expect.

I asked once before I think if certain mobs have better chances of dropping certain gear, or no possibility of dropping other gear. The answer I thought I got was no, everything drops everywhere, but now i am hearing a suggestion that this is not so. Certain mobs do equip and drop certain gear.

Not sure who answered that. Mobs have a higher chance for certain gear, but apart from some boss specific items everything can drop everywhere. It’s just that some items are more likely than others.

So help me understand how a mob drops gear vs a container dropping gear. I am getting the sense that they do not work the same way, that the loot is not globally random.

Ceno probably knows most about this, from looking at some database files the following is my understanding

  • loot tables define which items drop with which probability (and which possible affixes)
  • which loot table is used differs by enemy type, container type etc.
  • on top of that enemies can equip certain items from a pool in specific slots

This is why e.g. a rifleman is more likely to drop a rifle than a sword or why MIs drop from one enemy type or single boss only.

So while everything can drop anywhere (except for MIs) not every mob can drop everything (but chests might) and probability of items is not the same across items due to how the loot tables are set up in general and mobs you encounter in particular

All that said, I would still be surprised if every 3rd item were the same one. If you manage that it still sounds like an issue to me, even though it might be loot table related more than RNG related.
I certainly sometimes found the same item 2 or 3 times too, but those were exceptions, not the rule, wheras for you it sounds like a rule.

I did a few runs on Arkovia Ruins. Trying to take the most identical route possible each time, as if playing by habit, as i usually do. Not ready to admit defeat yet, but the spread of items was good, no repeats in the items themselves, just lots of things I already have.

On graceful dusk I search by item level within the range of the levels of the items that have dropped, 24 to 50 and what stands out the most is that there just aren’t as many items as I thought there were. So when I was still level 35ish in that area id think the pool would be even smaller.

Likey Bloodhound grieves dropped again and again because that was one of the few things that could drop passing through at level 30-35. The brimstone pauldrons dropped on this character, though I stand by my statement that in the first many hours, often playing through this same location with this same character, mostly for fun because I like the area, I never got this item. I do not exaggerate when I say that I got and sold dozens of bloodhound grieves in the ruins and never once saw an equally level 30 brimstone pauldron. I have played this druid character the most, often doing those runs with her, and this is her first pauldron in dozens of runs. I say that with certainty.

Ive done 3 runs and have 12 sticks of dynamite left. I’ll grind it till they are gone, that should produce 20+ drops, perhaps not all this evening though.

Everyone is telling you to base the “RNG” on the actual Spoils that the heroes drop. Everything else is affected by what the ennemy may wear and not by any random generation. I saw a full screen away that a Grogle in Tyrant Hold would drop a Flamebrand cause he had it in his hand. If you don’t pay attention to what is falling from the Spoils and what is dropping “clean from the monsters” you will end up thinking some item drop more often cause there is more monsters that wear that type of item at that part of the game you play in. Just like saying you find more Gun in Cronley Hideout then in Arkovian Undercity. Of course but half those Gun drop in Cronley are based on the stuff the ennemy is wearing not on the Spoil Orb.

An increase in RNG related threads is either all in your head, or, RNG-based :wink: The GD forum (and their Steam forum) has always been susceptible to these threads. It could even be considered a natural law and carryover from the TQ forum threads. Hence, easy to see them coming. We are always imagining that we see a pattern, by right of our very nature as humans. Even I’m not above seeing/creating the patterns even when I know better.

I agree in principle, but this isn’t exactly equivalent to forming a belief that the red light changes to green every time you pick your nose in traffic. If someone tells you that he seems to be getting a preponderance of item y the objective response is not to dismiss it as synchronicity. I am a rational, mostly, human being, mostly, and if I say ive been doing grind runs on Arkovia for months and have had an inventory stacked full of Bloodhound Grieves as a result and never once got other items that should drop on those runs, it is an insult to say “it’s in your head”, which you did not do this time thank you. The helpful response is not to defend the program as flawless, programmers last words, but to illustrate alternative explanations, as some have finally done thank you, and suggest logging it, which i will do.

Yes, and I don’t believe anyone was defending it as flawless. Rather, this topic has been flogged to death and back (and likely will again). Zantai confirmed that a) their RNG formula is not a holdover from TQ, which excludes whatever flaw there may or may not have been in that formula, and from that we can proceed to… b) As this topic has been brought up ad nauseum essentially forcing Crate’s hand (long before this juncture) to review their RNG code (likely numerous times for shits and giggles).

They have found nothing and have stated it too many times to count over the years.

So whether anything is flawless or not I think we can be confident that Crate has at least checked in to it for said possible flaws to assuage the masses (and perhaps themselves) that it really is in their head as far as they have ever found.

I am sure they are working hard continuously to improve it. I asked a while ago if they collected drop statistics, I think it was said that they did not. That would be a good thing to collect. Any oddities overlooked in code form might stand out in histogram form. Publish those graphs and enjoy the silence.

This topic again? I believe I have seen it a few times or at least something similar.

Call me selfish if you want. My plea to Zantai & team is to focus on getting the expansion out soon! I enjoy the game & have no problems with its RNG. :smile:

A handful of people don’t understand what the concept of “random” means in any context and keep reporting the same shitty posts day after day, both within others’ threads and their own. That’s it. There’s no conspiracy.

The only problem is there are so many useless epic items (some for legendaries) which need to adjust a little to make them usable again.

The only proper way to evaluate the RNG is to look into the source code, run unit tests, analyse the data, etc.

Sadly, this is only possible if you’re a Crate employee.

Merely trusting the word of Crate to say that their RNG is good is insufficient. We must be able to perform repeatable experiments and look into their RNG implementation ourselves.

And then there’s the issue of how Windows generates random numbers, what specific functions/API calls GD uses, etc. although this is probably getting too deep (since this is a non-cryptographic, non-hard science context).

Practically speaking however, as customers our next best alternative would be to create/use a mod specifically designed to test the RNG in a rapid-fire fashion and somehow gather the data automatically.

Modders, any ideas?