Roadmap/Release Dates


since currently everybody is motivated to test and give feedback it would be nice to know when the next versions are being release. I do not mean that I want to know the content in advance. But to know the dates would keep the motivation up.
When can we expect 0.7.5g?
When will 0.7.6 be released.
I know that precise dates are hard to give. But a rough idea would be great.

Or just share your Scrum Board with us. :smiley: (just kidding)

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This is it for the time being and what that’s in there will come when we’ll just have to wait and see.

Regardless to when things get rolled out, thank you all for everything so far. Nothing brings more confidence to the success of a project then amazing mods and devs. I’m loving the genuine passion and honestly, also the humor is killer.