Rollback to

Grim Dawn has been my favourite game since I got it, but I’ve been finding myself wishing I could rollback all these new changes, is that possible? The game seems like it’s lost a certain something in the latest patches. Not sure if it’s the balance changes, or the artwork seeming more glossy, but somethin ain’t hittin that sweet spot anymore.


Did you turn on deferred rendering? That could be responsible for the glossy/blurry aspect.

Welcome to the forums!

Unless you have backups of all the files from, no, not that I know of.

I tried the deferred renderer, but didn’t like lack of AA, looks better with old renderer. Plus I’ve never had any performance issues to speak of. Maybe it’s just in my head, and honestly, I haven’t been playing too often since The new art style seems more bright, glossy and polished. More like Diablo 3, and less like Diablo 2. Where as before it was the opposite, which I quite enjoyed. If you understand my vague descriptions. Also, the nice smooth difficulty progression is gone, I find myself stuck trying to finish the same dungeon to the point where I get frustrated and stop playing. That never used to happen.

Veteran got buffed to be much harder, but you can still just play Normal to have a similar progression as old Veteran.

Similar, but not the same as it was. There was something just right about it before. I’d be telling myself, “one more death and I’ll give up for tonight”. Then just when I thought I was gonna call it, I’d make through, and then spend another hour getting in to the next area. Seems more of a grind now.

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Deferred Renderer uses FXAA, but not MSAA like the old renderer. You can turn it only on and off and does not have different multipliers like MSAA, but if has AA.

I know, but it makes it look even worse. Might as well not be an option.

I’d love it if I could get a rollback patch to hotfix 1. I know it’s unlikely, just sayin though.

Merged threads. As you said, a rollback is unlikely.

  • If you prefer the old renderer, feel free to use it.
  • If you find other changes to the graphics an improvement for the worse, then point out the things you take issue with.
  • If normal difficulty is below your standards and veteran to hard, then provide feedback, which challenges are too hard. However, after playtesting the new veteran mode, I feel you get feedback on your build’s weaknesses more immediately, which I find a great improvement. So you might want to find out how to improve your char you are leveling.

@Volek - I deleted your post as wished by you, but you could have done that yourself - click on the Show More button () for that.

Cool I didn’t know that, thanks!

@budgreen try turning off Post Processing and Depth Of Field. I don’t like glossy/blurry either and that helped it for me. I got Deferred Rendering on, Anti-Aliasing On, everything on High. Just the PP and DoF is off and the game looks great and runs like a charm on my pomato PC :smile:

If you are on Steam you can rollback. You can search for steam game rollback., for example.

If you are on GoG I don’t know if it possible.

Alright, I feel silly now. I forgot I had set the shaders to very high when I was trying out the deferred renderer. Set it back down to high and now everything looks the way I like it again. I still like the standard renderer better, it just looks sharper. Guess I’ll just have to get used to the balance changes. :relaxed:

If you want it sharper while using Deferred Rendering then you need to disable AA. Deferred uses FXAA which is why it is blurry. Crate has said that they would look into possibly implementing other AA methods with Deferred, so we’ll see what we see.

Personally I leave it disabled and am using Reshade to apply SMAA and a sharpening filter onto the game to negate/nullify any blurring.

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Thanks for the tips everyone! A different AA method would be nice. Other than that all my issues were solved by turning the shader quality down to high, and turning off depth of field. Even looks pretty good with deferred rendering now, and the new effects looks sick in the dark!