It was a little disconcerting to find just how little L94 legendary support there is for Rune of Hagarrad; at least, no sets that bolstered it or its augments, beyond Runebinder–and that one isn’t dual- or tri-class. (Although I’m wondering if I should wait for the Rimetongue set to be released…I might have to prepare for disappointment, though.) On the other hand, Flash Freeze does have at least the Mageslayer set. I’m still torn between Infiltrator and Mage Hunter, but my prototype MH build didn’t have room for the Rune. So, it’s a question of whether I want a Rune-focused Infiltrator (+Shadow Strike and Veil of Shadow, at the very least), or a Flash Freeze/Flames of Ignaffar-focused Mage Hunter (Farath’s Cube included. Legendary pistol not included.)
And that means I need some advice on where each of the Rune and Flash Freeze shines, at least compared to each other. The Rune’s got remote placing and damage, the Flash Freeze has freeze/slow duration and quickness (and apparently range). Still weighing them against each other, though.
(Note: For those who didn’t see it in my General Discussion thread, the Mage Hunter prototype is here: And yes, I’m aware I need to re-allocate points to Deadly Aim, Elemental Exchange, and Inner Focus, at least.)
You can’t mix Flame of Ignaffar with WPS it’s the definition of inefficiency
Olexra’s Flash Freeze is useless against bosses while Rune of Hagarrad can delete bosses. Despite Hagarrad’s power I’d say it’d be best to use it as a DA shred
You have no RR, literally none. In this particular case Aura of Censure would be far better than Star Pact. Also Ultos the Storm Sheppherd would be the go to devotion for even more RR
I did say it was a prototype (I only became able to play the game a few days ago, mind; my Mage Hunter’s only L13 at the moment). Took me a little while to realize RR meant resistance reduction, but…what’s WPS? I couldn’t find anything with that acronym in the prototype. (If it’s anything to do with Null Field, that will be abjured in the final product.)
I’d have an Infiltrator prototype as well, but finding proper equipment in the database and choosing which skills to forgo is proving to be difficult (between Veil of Shadow, Ring of Steel, the Dual Blades skillpath, Shadow Strike, and the passives…).
(Wait, are you saying Flash Freeze doesn’t even damage bosses? I was expecting the freeze wouldn’t actually take effect, but not that the damage would fail to take…)
A WPS is a Weapon Pool Skill. They trigger off of default weapon attacks only and share a pool where one can be selected to be used based on the % chance.
Bursting Round, Chilling Rounds and Storm Spread are 3 WPSes that require a ranged weapon.
I agree with Chthon that your points in the Flames of Ignaffar line and Chilling Rounds conflict with one another. If you’re casting Flames of Ignaffar, then you’re not firing your weapon (thus not proccing Chilling Rounds) and vice versa, so points are being wasted one way or the other.
(Wait, are you saying Flash Freeze doesn’t even damage bosses? I was expecting the freeze wouldn’t actually take effect, but not that the damage would fail to take…)
Flash Freeze’s damage is tied to it’s status. If it can’t be frozen, then Flash Freeze cannot damage it.
Nn, I wasn’t planning on doing just one thing all the time. Fast way to get outflanked, as it were…I certainly don’t want to have to rely solely on my skills, if only because I don’t want to find myself out of energy. (Potions are just for absolute emergencies, right?)
Although I certainly have to wonder, then, what the opinion of the Rune Armor of Ignaffar is (bonuses to both Bursting Round and Endless Flame…).
Truth be told, Endless Flame is the real thing that appeals to me about Flames of Ignaffar. As in, the chance to inflict Fumble (just wish it lasted longer than two seconds…). That alone puts it above Aether Ray in my eyes, no matter how much more powerful the latter might get. Power by itself doesn’t appeal to me–in any game. I get that it’s necessary, but not that it’s sufficient. (Never mind that I was under the impression that part of the appeal of games in general is the idea of the weak defeating the strong.)
That said, I would definitely use Aura of Censure on the Infiltrator, at least, simply because that plus Veil of Shadow results in severe decrepification for nearby foes.
Multi-purpose. There are plenty of items in the game that support more than one kind of playstyle or combination of masteries. For example, how do you plan on making full use out of this item? The answer is you don’t, you use the bonuses that benefit you and ignore the others, the same goes for other items.
As in, the chance to inflict Fumble (just wish it lasted longer than two seconds…).
With the amount of ticks Flames of Ignaffar can put out (with high casting speed), you can probably refresh it more than once and keep it up more than you’d think.
That said though, I’ve never played a Flames of Ignaffar build but I would say the most important modifier for it is Infernal Purge.
I have a cold damage infiltrator here using censure and night’s chill (veil of shadow add on skill) and it does a lot of cold RR, around 200, which amps your damage a lot. If you are looking to go cold flames of ignaffar it could work with Farath’s Cube and the RR would boost damage a lot. I think most builds you want to go for 150 RR if possible for your main damage type, definitely at least 100. You can look at my build items and devotion nodes for some ideas on RR for cold and some general elemental RR like Rhowan’s Crown devotion. If you want to stick with fire FoI and not cold I don’t think infiltrator should be your choice. Probably purifier would be your best bet, or maybe mage hunter.
If you just played the game and haven’t even passed normal yet then I don’t recommend theorycrafting L100 builds just yet. You’ll find yourself hitting a wall starting Ultimate before you can even realize that theorycrafted build. Learn the mechanics first.
So, after being disabused of Flash Freeze’s efficacy, I’ve decided to go Infiltrator (no Flames of Ignaffar). Now I just have to work out if there’s a place for the Dual Blades skillpath, even with Breath of Belgothian involved. As for resistance reduction beyond AoC and Night’s Chill, I’m looking at the constellations—not just Ultos, but also Murmur and Viper. (I don’t think I’ll be able to fit Leviathan in…)