Running GD on MAC using WINE

Greeting fellow GD players.

A friend and I finally got GD working on MAC but have a video problem we are hoping some of you can help with.

Anyone know a way to remove the checkerboard pattern?

We have used MAC 10.11.6 ElCapitan, Wine, Homebrew and have gotten Steam app and GD running. Just the video is left to sort out.

EDIT - added Xquartz X11

We used this guide to get us to the point we are now.

Thanks for any assistance anyone can offer.

Wow. Brave people.

Have you read through this?

Best of luck to you

Yes, that is the post that got us going down this path. Wine plays a bit different on MAC since some of the commands are locked down or unknown to us.

Thanks for the tip tho. Anything else you see, please keep us in mind.


I followed the notes there and managed to get the game running on a Mac laptop.

It has no texture issues.
It is of course slow as hell.

I can’t manage however to run the AssetManager.exe with WINE.
It just does not run, and stays invisible.

Anyone managed to run it? Any solution?