Yesterday I finally purchased GD and started playing, and it was a huge disappointment because of the crazy lag and low fps even when all setting turned off or lowest.
Currently I am using GT 640 and i3-6100, with win10.
To play with highest setting, which one do I need?
The Rx 460 is around r9 270 performance levels which is what i currently use, i play with everthing on high bar shadows which i have off as my cpu is only an i3 2100.
Your cpu is better than mine by about 30% in games and has decent single core performance which is what grim dawn uses, so in other words a rx 460 should be more than enough as grim dawn is not that demanding of a game, However if you intend to play other games that are alot more demanding, ie games like the new Deus ex, Tomb raider etc etc and play at 1080 res i would pick one off the better gpus, the other cards you listed are all great cards and will will future proof your system for atleast the next couple of years. The rx 460 was ment to be an e-sports Card, so games like dota, lol, overwatch, cs go, not very demanding games are ment to excel on this card.
As for choosing Nvidia or Amd it boils down to this, Nvidia are a bit more expensive but the 1060 is faster, runs cooler, less power than the 480 and offers superior dx 11 support in games and solid performance in dx12, Shadowplay is a nice feature.
Amd, probaly best bang for your money, supperior dx 12 support and the new vulkan api stuff for games like doom, the new battefield is truly amazing.
Amd used to have major driver problems a few years ago but the quality off them has really improved, the bottom line is you can’t really go wrong with either these days.
Peronally i would look at the Sapphire range of cards for Amd or Evga for Nvidia as i believe these are the best partners.
The Rx 460 is around r9 270 performance levels which is what i currently use, i play with everthing on high bar shadows which i have off as my cpu is only an i3 2100.
Your cpu is better than mine by about 30% in games and has decent single core performance which is what grim dawn uses, so in other words a rx 460 should be more than enough as grim dawn is not that demanding of a game, However if you intend to play other games that are alot more demanding, ie games like the new Deus ex, Tomb raider etc etc and play at 1080 res i would pick one off the better gpus, the other cards you listed are all great cards and will will future proof your system for atleast the next couple of years.
As for choosing Nvidia or Amd it boils down to this, Nvidia are a bit more expensive but the 1060 is faster, runs cooler, less power than the 480 and offers superior dx 11 support in games and solid performance in dx12, Shadowplay is a nice feature.
Amd, probaly best bang for your money, supperior dx 12 support and the new vulkan api stuff for games like doom, the new battefield is truly amazing.
Amd used to have major driver problems a few years ago but the quality off them has really improved, the bottom line is you can’t really go wrond with either these days.
Peronally i would look at the Sapphire range of cards for Amd or Evga for Nvidia as i believe these are the best partners.
I have an RX480 and can play Witcher 3 on high settings with 65-70FPS. In my opinion this card has the most “bang for the buck” as they say. You can enjoy games for the next couple of years with it for a cheap price. With the latest driver support you can overclock it better. Meaning that in some games it performs 7% less than the far more expensive 1060 and in other games it performs 4% better. So overall on average it is still a competitive card. Especially since you can put 2 RX480’s in your system compared to one 1060…in in that case the RX480’s overclocked performance gets closer to the 1080.
The RX460 and 470 are basically flawed/weaker chipsets of the 480 and marketed as lower versions. Marketing excuses like “e-sports” gpu and such. Less potential, less future proof…and not really worth it the little discount in comparison to the 480.
So I’d say go with the 480. If you got money to spare then the 1080. Going for the 1060 or 1070 isn’t worth it in my opinion. Especially if you stick with 1080p gaming then the 480 is the best. If you want 1440p and 4k gaming then…well the 1080 obviously, but you’ll need a far better CPU then the one you have.
Hi, sircaw and Gibly, thank you very much for the detailed explanations, everything is clear now.
I am yet to decide if I keep playing as is or to buy a new GPU, but if I chose to buy one, then I will go for RX 480.
I want a new card just for GD, but USD 300+ might be too much for me. I probably will not have time to play other games. But playing GD with the lowest setting is something really unhappy for me, because the original setting has shown me how beautiful the world of GD is. And RX 460 is not that cheap to choose form when compared with RX 480.:o
I play on GTX 750ti on all highest 1080p no MSAA and GD run more or less OK in term of FPS . It still lag during level preload/char backup just like TQ used to =( . So i guess RX460 should do just fine.
I tink GTX 1060 is overpriced curently and 470 4G is a better option. You can get almost silent ASUS or Gigabyte RX470 4G for ~200$ with almost equal perfomance to 1060. Or completly silent MSI 470 for ~240$ .
Grim Dawn is poorly opimtized, in my experience, and having a decent graphics card doesn’t always help.
The RX 480 is the best bang for your buck if you plan to play other games (especially DX12/Vulkan ones like Deus Ex or DOOM) otherwise a 1060 would be good, too.
It’s best to wait a few more months for these cards because they’re high in demand and low in supply and therefore very expensive as a result. The RRP for a 480 is $200 but it’s hard to find places selling it for that low.
At first I thought you might be missing an X on the end of that GT but after searching I see it’s a thing, a low profile graphics solution.
You could even save a bunch of money and upgrade to a GTX 760 (my card) and see a huge improvement and be able to hold 60fps @1080p with med-high to high settings in all but the heaviest action in GD.
If you got extra to spare tho you could get something newer tho but I definitely wouldn’t get that 460. You should move at least a bit further up the food chain if possible.
Raising the 60fps cap on games for me isn’t so much about increased peak performance. However until 120fps there is still a noticable difference in smooth gameplay. Still an increase of only 10-15fps on top of 60 is less noticeable for most people. The reason I raised the cap in this case for me is more to make sure the occasion min-fps is still above 60 as well. Otherwise it drops to 48-52 and that I do not like as a gameplay experience. Other people might not notice that difference, but I do…and what matters is what plays the smoothest and gives YOU personally the best experience. The reason I choose High instead of Ultimate is because… I see no difference in that graphical aspect. Often I wonder what Ultimate actually adds on top of High quality settings.
Like Tastix’s said. Getting a 1080 is a logistic nightmare. People who order have too wait weeks. Some friends of mine included.
I also agree with Teach’s advice on taking a look at your CPU. That is indeed the bottleneck. Grim Dawn requires a strong single core performance to run well. My I5 runs 3.9ghz on turbo and it is a smooth experience. 'cept for Crucible when the screen is just filled up with opponents around the 90+ waves. Then my performance FPS drops to slightly above 30fps as well.
Still…going for a 460 or 470 amd card is imo poor advice. As well as going for a 1060nvidea. Those cards just aren’t worth the price/performance ratio. As well with a look on possible future games. Especially since more and more games switch to using the GPU after a certain point for performance. a RX480 is the minimal card you should go for right now. If you got the money go for the 1080. Thing is that overclocking is a very safe thing to do. Go onto youtube and search for JayZTwoCents or LinusTech or whatever channel and you’ll get info on how to overclock your graphical cards. Meaning that a 480’s performance can be similar to that of an 1070. After that you can always get a new CPU/Mobo…those things come dirt cheap these days. You don’t need a special game advertised board.
Buying second hand cards… Well… cards these days have a very long lifespan. Even when overclocking and putting heavy loads on them those cards still survive for years. So when buying second hand cards pay attention and get information from the previous owner. How long has he used that card and under what conditions. That way you could buy a card for cheap and use it for another 2 or so years. Without getting worried that the card will give out on you.
Still…going for a 460 or 470 amd card is imo poor advice. As well as going for a 1060nvidea. Those cards just aren’t worth the price/performance ratio. As well with a look on possible future games. Especially since more and more games switch to using the GPU after a certain point for performance. a RX480 is the minimal card you should go for right now. If you got the money go for the 1080. Thing is that overclocking is a very safe thing to do. Go onto youtube and search for JayZTwoCents or LinusTech or whatever channel and you’ll get info on how to overclock your graphical cards. Meaning that a 480’s performance can be similar to that of an 1070. After that you can always get a new CPU/Mobo…those things come dirt cheap these days. You don’t need a special game advertised board.
actualy for price/performance top GPU always suck =) 1080 cost around 700$? thats 2.5 times more that RX470 . On most games you wont even notice a diference betwen two of them, so its just 500$ wasted . Unless you want a 200w room heater