RxJunkie's Wheelin' n' Double Damage Dealin' Digest!

Bloodshot - 2H Ranged Piercing/Bleeding Savagery/Upheaval Vindicator

  • 4/4 Goredrinker Set for Piercing/Bleeding Damage support
  • Several Fury procs: Battle Cry & Howl of Mogdrogen
  • ~2200% Piercing :dagger:/~2300% Bleeding :drop_of_blood: Damage w/ 150% Bleeding :drop_of_blood: Duration before Cunning Bonus
  • -124% Piercing :dagger:/-92% Bleeding :drop_of_blood: RR

Bloodshot in-game

Bloodshot dps
(vs Dummy with all buffs active via DPYes)

Build Comment: I made this build when I was on a Upheaval kick and I wanted an easy 3-4 button build that you could almost hold down attack and kill things. The Fashion Dawn is strong with this one! Afterall, you need to look the part as well as play the part. Upheaval slaps with lots of OA to trigger it. When it doesn’t trigger though… that’s when you feel like you’re shooting with wet noodles. Very relaxing build here overall, just WoP everything and snipe away with your quiet crossbow. Thwup, thwup, thwup, BOOM, BOOM, thwup, BOOM! That’s exactly what the build sounds like! :rofl: