Sacred and Dungeon Siege

Only played DS2, it was very well made for that time

No. We already disagree. No need to continue the dialogue.

I figured you would respond like this. So the games are “terribly managed (whatever this means), terribly updated(you’re wrong), and trash balanced(no examples, so whatever this means too)” but “fun.”

And you bought S2 after having “terribly managed & updated and trash balanced” S1.


You’re absolutely right. Definitely no need to continue.

Sacred 2 was very fun but the lack of balance was indeed there:

  1. The fact you can easily create a 100% dmg absorption Seraphim with enough farming and twinking is already a hint. You can easily replicate something to that degree on a Shadow Warrior.

  2. HE’s and Dryads had too much early DPS and their natural level progression was just much faster than other classes+. Other single target focused builds and classes have to rely on orc cave + xp pots to get a decent leveling speed.

  3. Shoppers and Smithers are easily exploitable in preparing Godly Characters from scratch. This also crippled equipment variety as most people just opted to use double stacked +Skills /+CA/+deathblow% jewelry on their equipment. and it just scales them past what is needed that most things become insignificant.

Terribly managed? Well console version was probably true… The lack of updates for the console pretty much forced me to get the PC version in the first place. I played very little Ice & Blood to know how often they updated stuff.

At the time, no one complain about unbalanced thing , this stronger than this, exp faster, early stat easier … etc…ahhhhh ! We simply enjoyed the game and have fun !!.
Now…time is different, player are more complicated :eek:

How is Sacred 2 unbalanced as compared to basically every single ARPG ever made??? They ALL have OP builds. D2’s Frozen Orb Sorceress. Hammerdins. Titan Quest had builds that could breeze through content. (The Dream Skilltree was OP.) They ALL have this issue. It’s not exclusive to S2. Plus the developers went bankrupt after the release of Ice & Blood XP. But the gaming community stepped in and released a community patch for S2 which fixes many bugs and quest issues. No, it wasn’t the developers, as they went bankrupt. But it WAS updated. S1 was updated regularly and I still play it. It runs flawlessly on every OS (XP, Vista, Win 7,8,10). It’s NOT a valid complaint.

Alone heart is right. NOBODY complained about it being an issue at the time. Now it’s a negative?? PUH-LEEZE.

How can a game be terribly managed, terribly updated, and trash balanced, but be fun? You wouldn’t play a game for long if ALL of that was true. And then you buy the second game??? :eek: I’m sorry. Yes. Both games had flaws. Some glaring. Mainly itemization in S1 was awful. Shields which added to dual wield?:rolleyes:

Has anyone here played “Sacred Legends” on Android or IOS? It looks like S3 more than anything, and I won’t touch that steaming pile of gaming excrement for anything. Some of the reviews say it’s also pay-to-win. UGH. Just wondering if anyone here has it and can confirm/deny these allegations.

Never said anything that it was a bad thing. Majority of the ARPG’s you mentioned have a special place for me. I basically grew up with them.

At the very least compared to Grim Dawn, they respected traditional class gameplay and not tank through end-game content, no matter the profession.

Me quoting both of you (Malpheas & Icefire) bickering, and me suggesting what he may have meant by unbalanced, in comparison to his snobby reply to you, was me being considerate. You asked for specific examples, as well. Now you got them and you get triggered… Make some sense please.

No one is antagonizing the game, as it is a classic favorite of most Hardcore ARPG players. However, some people do prefer to be neutral when evaluating something rather than partial, even when it comes to games they enjoy.

I wasn’t “triggered”. I was responding. I asked how is Sacred Series any different than every other ARPG in re: to OP classes. You conveniently ignored this, I noticed. I even gave specific examples.

I acknowledge the issues with S2 but then explained that the developers went bankrupt after the S2 expansion, which was WHY the game wasn’t updated any further, but the community stepped in and issued a major patch. Which helped with updating AND balance.

I then quoted Malpheas not you to further question. I SPECIFICALLY also mentioned the item issue in S1, which was glaring.

I don’t shop at all. I play with what I find. That’s it. Don’t take advantage of an exploit (Trade skill, which I NEVER take) and then complain that it is overpowered. YOU did this. Don’t do it and the issue is solved. It’s like driving a Ferrari 200 MPH, getting arrested for dangerous speeds, then blaming the car. Just because you CAN, doesn’t mean you SHOULD. There ARE other choices.

I also said that I wanted examples to SEE IF I AGREE. I do not. I am making plenty of sense. You just don’t see it because I disagree with you. I am neutral. But what I did is called “having a different opinion then you.” I am entitled to mine just as much as you are yours. The difference is I explained WHY I disagreed. You respond by telling me I make no sense. And I am the one who is “triggered”. OK:rolleyes:

EDIT: I just wanted to add something in case I wasn’t clear, and I admit I probably wasn’t. I am NOT saying there were NO issues with balance. Of course there was. I am disagreeing with the SEVERITY of the issue. They WERE an issue, but not “terrible” or “trash”. Titan Quest, which I ALSO still play regularly, and is right up there with Sacred series for all time favorites, had an exploit where you could level up by dying. Seriously. Your “headstone”, when you got back to it, if you clicked rapidly on it, it would register EACH click, and you would receive 2,3, or even FOUR times the experience back instead of ONE click which got back MOST of what you lost. There was a little bit lost, more if you took longer to reach the marker. A bug that you can’t avoid is MUCH different than an exploit that you CAN avoid. So claiming an exploit as a negative, in my opinion, is ridiculous. You DO have the option NOT to use it. A bug you don’t.

I am done with this conversation.

I played sacred 1 only but I have sacred 2 just never played it.

For Dungeon Siege I liked both the 1st and 2nd games…

Bought the 3rd when it came out. I hated it so much. It just did not feel the same as the first two did.

I’m sad that new game can’t compete with older game, it make no sense for me
Old game are often the best :cool:

We’re currently working on the latest version of the Sacred 2 Community Patch. If anyone has any specific complaints about the game (and not just “lol game sux”) feel free to write about them, since there is a team addressing whatever we can.

These are the latest patch notes in case anyone wants to know how serious the project is.

I’m also working on an “Enhanced Edition” where I diverted a lot of the more dramatic skill, equipment, and combat rebalancing that didn’t fit into the more strict definition of a fix pack.

Just read the patch notes. Outstanding work guys/gals. All your efforts ARE appreciated.

Ah man, Sacred. I wasted way too many hours on that game over the last 8 years or so and this thread is kind of giving me the itch to replay it. Sacred 2 was pretty good too but I didn’t like it as much as the first game.

I never liked the cooldown-based skill management in those games, though. About 80% of my playtime was with the Gladiator since I could just whomp things with huge swords and not have to worry about juggling a ton of skills for all of my damage.

That a thing ! Good job !

I left Sacred 2, pre - Ice & Blood, had no idea there was this much work done by the community on it.

Kinda’ reminds me off the TQ modding community that released it’s own patches.

See I LOVED the cooldowns on spells/skills. I thought it was a great change of pace from mana/energy/ whathaveyou based spells/skills.

When I first started playing arpgs, I also had an aversion to juggling tons of skills. I wanted passive skills that I didn’t have to worry about. But the more and more i played, the more fun i realized it actually was to use active skills/spells also. Not saying it’s for you or you will like it too. I don’t know anything about you and you may have tried repeatedly and just don’t like it. Whatever is more fun for you, go for it. I’m just saying I eventually grew to love it.

I’ve gotten better about it; my current character has Combat Kick, Hard Hit, Multihit, and Fist of the Gods, and they all see regular use on both two-handed axes and crossbows (crossbow Gladiator is really fun btw). But I never was able to play a Battlemage well because his entire offense is based around managing those cooldowns and I never got the hang of it.

The battlemage was my favorite. If you don’t mind me asking, and you can answer me in a private message if you wish, what exactly is the problem you’re having? Is it the regen time gets too high?? Not sure exactly how it functions? I can help you, IF you want to. Not trying to make fun of or ridicule you. Just let me know if you need ANY kind of help/explanation of how it works. If you don’t care anymore cuz you stopped playing it, that’s fine. Take care.

That looks truly awesome.

So when you say “we” and “community”, this would be the community patch of which you speak? Or is there an elsewhere I should be looking at?

I can comment on DS1 & 2, since I played those alot alot!
DS1 reminds me alot of Grim dawn actually, slow gameplay, secrets, though it was an early arpg so uniques and sets is less developed (like d2 is). With all this in mind, still one of the best dungeon crawlers I have played!

Like others said, DS2 is more like D2, but playing with mulitple charecters in addition, good mix of the classic crpg and arpg! - I liked it, for the most part.

I do want to play a bit of DS2 again, on steam (community hub of D2) there is a guy that made a HD mod thing, it worked ok at first but now its gone terribly wrong! If anyone get it working please give me a shout out and maybe we will play it a bit together :smiley: