Sacred and Dungeon Siege

Wow! Are you kidding me? I used to play this game, there was few turnoffs, the combat and the autopickup was really big plusses. Where is the website for this community patch?
Much love <3

Hey, if you’re offering help I’ll gladly take it. :slight_smile: What often happens (I think) is that I read way too many runes and the cooldown gets unmanageable. I know things like Ghost Meadow can help, and maybe it’s better not to invest all into a single spell? Although seeing as skills have shared cooldowns, maybe not…

Thanks for the goodwill!

Yes, it’s the same patch, and most of the same team. Main forums in use right now are at . This is my first patch release that I’ve spearheaded rather than just contributing a few things.

1.60 Beta patch release (intended to be installed as a mod on top of current 1.50 release). There are links there to more detailed threads about the changes.

This version’s actually a little bit behind what we’ve currently got going, as we’ve moved a lot of the development discussion onto a Discord channel (easier flow of ideas). I plan to put the release candidate (full version w/ installer) in the above thread before official release, so everyone can get a chance to try it.

We keep in touch with our German friends as well at Sacred Legends:

It’s not too late to report bugs. If there are more radical changes like rebalancing, I’m taking those requests too for an “Enhanced Edition” mod (thread not yet posted).

Before the Discord channel, most of the bugtracking was done on Mantis Bugtracker. So you can create a login to see more in-depth details as to what was changed, and the why and how of it.

This thread keeps getting bumped again and again. I really like the amount of info that’s been made available to me regarding each game

Thank you to everyone who posted here

Thanks. Will follow more closely. Soon be time to play again, I think.

I will also add one quick thing about Sacred 2 that i remember…

You can QUICK SAVE !!..which is I think the only diablo 2 clone with that feature.

You could literally quick save before killing a dragon/looting a chest…and if you did not get anything you like…quick load and start again;)

ok. First of all, take the skill of whatever magic you use. Water magic for water based spells like Ice Shards, Fire Magic for fire based spells like fireball, Earth magic, etc. This will lower the regen times. You should have magic lore and meditation to start, (although there is a way to choose the first two skills you start with. In the “settings.cfg” file, open it with notepad and change “default skills” from “1” to “0”). Meditation will lower regen times whenever you put a skill point in it. Be careful not to “eat” or read too many runes, (which you said you are doing), try to keep it around 2 or 3 levels above your character level, any more and it gets too high. Look for items that have “regeneration spells XX%” where xx is a number to designate the percentage it will reduce by. You can also “socket” runes into armor/weapons that have sockets in them. You will get an additional benefit as the benefit listed in yellow text on the rune will also apply. In the Battle mage I believe it is 3% experience gained.Your spell level will go up by one for every socketed rune, but the regen time is a lot lower. I never take ghost meadow. I can usually keep my regen time for Ice shards, my main spell, at about 3 seconds, and fireball, my secondary spell, under a second. Yes you can get Ice shards down to a second using trade skill (but I never take that), and buying regen spells items and by using Ghost Meadow, but after a while of getting used to it, you wont need that anymore. Give it a shot. Anything more you want or dont understand let me know. Be glad to help.

Make sure your meditation and magic skills (fire, water,etc.) are kept at the maximum level. Which is your character level. You can add to it with equipment, but you cant go over the character level in the skill with points. IOW, if you are level 12, meditation, magic will be allowed a maximum of 12 skill points, then you are unable to add any more. But you CAN with items. I hope that makes sense and is not confusing. I have ahard time putting thoughts into writing (a learning disability called "dysgraphia). So I can explain further or better if you need it. Iwill help in any way I can, but be specific about EXACTLY what you want help with. Like saying I’m having a hard time with regen times. I need to know exactly which combat art/spell you are having trouble with and what character you are so I can give you proper info.

There is also something called “regeneration special move XX%”. This lowers the regen times of non-magic combat arts such as Fist of the Gods, etc.

This could be done in Sacred 1 as well. I thought in S2 this was eliminated, but I could be wrong. I havent played 2 in a while. I guess it’s time to fire it up again.

Quicksaving is the only thing that keeps me from losing my progress. The game constantly crashes in 2-3 hours every single time, so this feature is a godsend.

Also, I didn’t know you are registered here, Flix. Looking forward to new patch.

Well, if you’ve kept Sacred 2 going, I appreciate that a lot. The game had potential. I was driven off by the lack of updates and what seemed like producer mandated handling of the game in order for the developers to make money.

I sincerely wanted the game to be good.

Thanks to you all for awesome Community Patch :cool:

Is it possible adding new character/hero (perhaps Vampire and Dwarf from Sacred 1) to upcoming Sacred 2 Community Patch Flix?
Or perhaps new armor sets, like Mythical Mutation Sets :smiley:

Dryad with “Invincible staff hits” on PC, and “Spread Infection” Viperish Disease on console were fun, aren’t they :smiley:

Again, thanks for the hard works in the CM Patch !

I’ve just pushed a new version of Sacred 2 Community Patch 1.60 for testing. This is the full installer version.

Though still in Beta status, this hopefully the last iteration before final release.

Full Change Log is HERE.

1.60 is a major patch, probably the most extensive since the inception of the Community Patch.

Crashing, instability, and poor performance should be almost entirely stamped out. If for no other reason than having a stable, crash-free game, you should try this patch.

Awesome Flix
Thanks for the update !

Holy shit, yes. Thank you for your awesome work!

Thank flix and we neeed more skiiil for more diiversiiity too :cool:

Anyone up for Sacred 2 coop through Tunngle\Evolve?

Dungeon Siege 2 also had some of the best, most memorable boss fights - dynamic, tactical, great terrain choices, and bosses who used decent AI (at the time) with their abilities to make each End Act fight really stand out. Pretty much the polar opposite of Diablo II!

Man how I loved DS 2, the atmosphere, char building, mixing special abilities. I’d play it again. Too bad to community died out so fast. Forums were barren…

Guys, I’m serious. Anyone here up to coop?

Play the fucking Sacred 2. Play it.