Sahdina's Memento vendored

New player on my first character with like 70hrs invested. Picked this specific build because of it’s ability to use the target farmable dark one’s set to get a head start on getting my char to where it can farm. Vendored my Sahdina’s Memento. from searching around on this issue it’s looking like my options are:

  1. rage quit GD
  2. level an entirely new character when I was finally almost to endgame
  3. install some java update and gdstash program and figure out how to somehow create the item
  4. learn some command line gdedit thing

Did I miss some easier way to rectify this? The idea of spending a bunch of time to fix a one click mistake is crushing my enthusiasm for the game. Thanks for any help.

2am here so can’t really think of anything
only other way i can think of would be to delete your quest progress for Ultimate, which would still be a fair bit of leg work finish again, (and that’s assuming that it’s tied to those files and not baked into the character file)

alternatively you can use this (9.5 KB)

That should do it alright. I really appreciate it. I’m guessing since this has been a recurring issue for morons like me for years that it’s not fixable or the devs juts don’t care? Either way thanks a million I was looking forward to finally getting to the last parts of the lokarr quest tonight.

I mean, it’s not their fault that you accidentally sell a once-per-run drop.


some secrets in games are meant to be hard to find for newcomers. so that the fulfilment from finding and solving it can be felt genuinely.

then again, there are some troll developers like miyazaki who trolls dark souls players with his useless pendant secret.

It’s ok. Players vendor their legendary gear etc. in MMOs and have to send in support tickets. These things happen.

You’ve got Gnome’s file, but if something similar ever happens again (or just if you’re interested), PM me and I can tell you how to use GDstash to give yourself a new quest item. It’s not hard, and could save you needless frustration in the future.

Happened to me once, after that I only pick up the amulet when I am ready with everything else for the quest.

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Either this or ask someone to host a multiplayer game and trade you one. I should have a couple spare Mementos lying around that I’ve yet to use.

can also just continue to dupe the Memento from the uploaded character above

but in general, it’s very handy to be familiar with GDstash should quest item bork/disappear or otherwise become unavailable in the game however unlikely
had a guy where i needed to stash a, Morgo key frag??, despite the quest item repeatedly dropping on other characters(since you can’t plop quest items in shared stash)

Another option would be skipping the secret quest via Grim Internals teleport. It’s technically a cheat but if you already had the items required to open the rift, you don’t have to feel bad about it :wink:

Install Grim Internals and add this line to your GrimInternals_TeleportList.txt

Lokarr, -1024.58, 24.80, -5325.08,

Select this entry from the teleport list in the configurator and it will teleport you to the shrine at the beginning of the Sanctum Of The Chosen. From there it’s just a short walk to Lokarr’s arena, the only thing that’s skipped is the ghost in Malmouth outskirts who needs the 3 items to open the rift.

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