Salazar's Sovereign Blade

Does anyone use it?

I was hoping if it to could be converted into a player scaled pet if no one uses it.

Wanted to hear what the community thinks

This pet is useful on early levels as damage sponge. But on 50+ it looks weird

I used for a while with my conjurer. The skill bonusses are nice but the Harbinger is too damn slow to do anything most of the time. Combine that with it hardly ever spawning where you want it to makes it one the most useless pets in the game imho.

edit: Voted yes, would be nice to see good builds utiziling a single pet for support.

Meh, I did try to use it coz the blade looked cool and all, but it felt pretty underwhelming and I left it. Probably it would be best as a player scaled pet indeed, given the amount of +%vitality on it and the total lack of bonuses for pets (other than +2 to Hellhound and Raven, but whatever).

Just so we’re clear I am not calling for removal of Pet Bonuses on the dagger. I merely want the pet to scale with Player Damage Bonuses

The item is so irrelevant to pet builds cause there are much better Item Summoned Pets I thought this might be a good opportunity to snag it for myself :smiley:

@veretranga Source of your avatar?

I used it for a while – Lvl 94v. It was a nice item to have for an Occultist dabbling with pets. The Harbinger was strong but I wouldn’t be averse to it scaling with player bonuses. I also wouldn’t mind the pre/suffixes being dropped and it being tuned more directly to Occultist.

Lys Axa uses it to break 170 Gladiator (albeit, with a bit of help)

CDR Primal Spirit build uses it as well. Technically, the above build is more of an optimized version of the CDR Primal Spirit build.

I also use it for my hybrid Lightning Conjurer, which I haven’t posted because I haven’t been able to test some equipment changes I’ve been wanting to implement on it.

Salazar’s Blade is one of the best pets in the whole game - the damage output is huge and the -15% all RR shred is amazing. The real reason people don’t use it is because pet builds have a really hard time getting all the skill points they need and Salazar’s Blade has some really terrible skill bonuses.

Really, though, I already have to deal with Mogdrogen’s own house (Ancient Grove) giving nothing to pet builds and all the cool new pets being player-scaled. Why do you have to pile on and take away one of the cool pets we actually have? :cry:

The fist link doesn’t work for me, the second one is Greg’s build. I thought he was using it because he was playing Self Found

I know Harbinger is good defensively but since no one using it I thought I’d snag it away. :smiley: Performance wise though I personally prefer Og’Napesh cause it’s more aggressive

I am one of the player scaled summon lobbyists so this won’t be the last time I try to pull something like this:D

Oops, I overwrote the YouTube link in both places. It’s fixed now in my original post (it’ll still be broken if you use the quoted link in your post).

Where does the RR come from? :confused:

One of the pets skills.

Spectral Miasma
40 Energy Cost
6 Second Duration
4 Meter Radius
-15% Total Speed
-15% Physical Resistance
-15% Pierce Resistance
-15% Fire Resistance
-15% Cold Resistance
-15% Lightning Resistance
-15% Poison & Acid Resistance
-15% Vitality Resistance
-15% Chaos Resistance

In grimtools there is a cog in the top left, gives you the option to show pet attributes and skills.

Thanks! I’d like to take back my vote now and please excuse me I’ll be in the depraved sanctuary. :smiley:

I used them together along with Will of Bysmiel. I thought they were really nice both from a role-playing and from a game performance perspective. I think they’re nice :smiley: I think thepowerofmediocraty makes a fair point. I hadn’t thought of it from a petbuilder’s perspective.

I like how the pet scales as is - I do wish the harbinger moved a lot faster.

Okay I concede then, so which pet are Pet users willing to give up on?


I hope at least the Sandclaw scales with Player bonuses

That’s not easy to decide :stuck_out_tongue:

By far, I think the least used pet is the Blighted Rift Scourge. Even with the buff it received on it’s Mythical, it still gets competition with really good amulets like Sovereign Ruby of Domination or others that change depending on the build (Putrid Necklace/Darkblaze Source for pet conversion, Conduits, Will of Bysmiel etc.).

You are right. I’m using it mainly because it is very easy to get and you can have soldier’s prefix, so that’s fantastic when you go HC (+5%hp). But that’s not the only reason. The pet has nice debuff… For some reason bosses are much easier to kill when debuff from this pet is apllied. I’m not sure what type of RR is it but it works very nice with the rest of the pets. Maybe it’s -phys res and that would be the reason why it’s so good. I need to look into grimtools…
Well and the last reason is that I just like this guy… He fits well to the conjurer look and feeling. After all we’re playing RPG here so… :wink: