Savage Mastery

This is my new mastery I am working on and I hope to create a new area and small questline introducing their culture and homeland as well, although this will be way off in the future as I am totally new to modding.

The Savage

Originating from the war clans of the northern mountain ranges, Savages are chosen for their strength and combat prowess and are considered the elite warriors of their clans, being seen as both protector and conqueror. Savages can survive in brutally cold conditions and their naturally thick skin allows them to shrug of otherwise crippling blows. Often preferring swords, axes and hammers, witnessing a savage in melee combat is a fearsome sight to behold.


Weapon Master: Savages begin training almost as soon as they learn to walk and will often show a keen interest in one specific type, chose to focus training in the use of Swords (piercing), Axes (bleeding) or Maces (physical/internal Trauma).
Bloodlust: A lifetime of training and combat rituals makes Savages feel more at home on the battlefield than anywhere else. Their unwavering fear and readiness to engage in hand-to-hand combat gives a savage an edge in any fight. Use your training to shrug off lethal blows or focus your energy on crushing your enemies.
Dual-Wield: The most fearsome sight on the battle field is a charging savage dual-wielding massive axes. Savages feel at ease whether they are using two-handed weapons or dual wielding. Savages can dual wield without investing any points (maybe if I can get it to work), although there is always room for improvement.

Savage + Soldier = Barbarian
Savage + Shaman = Slayer
Savage + Arcanist = Witcher
Savage + Nightblade = Ravager
Savage + Occultist = Reaver
Savage + Demolitionist = Head Hunter

This sounds suspiciously like the Diablo II Barbarian.

It my defense, in sounds similar to a lot of Barbarian type characters. I mean it’s a melee brute who can DW or use 2H.

I unfortunately missed the Diablo II train, but boarded the Diablo III one which ended up a, well… train wreck. All I can say is, the skills will not be like those in Diablo III.

I will go check out the Barbarian from this Diablo II game you speak of…

EDIT: Just checked it out and I cannot, apart from the name, see any kind of similarity that isn’t the norm e.g. DW, normadic/clan/Viking style background, actually I was going more for a Viking type hence the living in cold mountain ranges.

Basically what your saying is similar to saying The Nightblade class in GD sounds suspiciously similar to ESO’s Nightblade or that car is suspiciously like my car because it has four wheels and a sunroof :slight_smile:

I might Add that my skills will focus on enhancing the use of a particular weapon type; Axes (Bleed), Swords (Peirce) and Hammers (Physical/Trauma). Also I am considering what buff i want, originally I was going to call it bloodlust and have attackspeed+, Dmg+ and Dmg Absorb for a short duration, but as you have adequately stated, this has been done many times before in many games and want to try and keep it a fresh as possible. O I am now considering different avenues.

Maybe I might make a force leap attack…