Savagery stacks

Hi guys. Can someone explain to me how the stacking on Savagery works? It says that ‘Building up charges increases the potency of the bonuses’ but which bonuses exactly? I have tested it and see that even 1 stack is enough for all the bonuses of Savagery and the line to work. Also I have same DPS at 1 or 6 stacks. So is there a difference between 1 and 6 stacks of Savagery apart from the buffs lasting longer?

Savagery charges acts like damage modifiers. For example last charge is 115%, so you increase your Savagery damage and all the WPS by factor of 1.15. So that means you’re making WPS hits way harder than with other auto attacks like Fire Strike(as melee) or Cadence.


thanks. I just got that GD doesnt show any difference in DPS or damage on tooltip for 1 or 6 or 8 stacks. All the same number. So that’s why I didn’t understand what the heck the stacks do. Why bother with stacking it more if only 1 stack is enough :smiley:

Does the 8 stacks 115% affect flat physical / lightning damage on Savagery and % damage increase? What about Tenacity of the Boar buff? Does it depend on number of stacks?

Tenacity of the boar bonuses are independent of the stacks. You’ll have the boar bonuses as long as at least 1 stack is active

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I always thought the 115% was applied only to base weapon damage… That’s why it always seemed lackluster to me…

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