Savagery Vitality Damage Build Seeking Advice m/calc/4NOgmvdN

It’s a left click vitality damage build with totem support and mark of torment for bosses with heavy life leech and enemy resistance reduction. It also has three defensive devotions which give a beast mode when life gets low. I only put one item on it as that is the only thing really essential for the build. Even though it buffs some skills I’m not using it gives the most vitality damage.

Is it a bad idea to not max both masteries? I have three skills to reduce enemy resistances, that’s plenty right? Any other tips?

Thank you for your advice.

Try this. Made a lot of time theorycrafting it, looks pretty unkillable on paper.

Why did you go Stormcaller on a Vit damage build? Harbinger looks like a better skill.

Because Harbinger does very little for this build. Physical to Vitality conversion? Useless, our big bad weapon is full vitality damage already. +100% to Vitality damage? Useless, we have over 1500% already. Life steal? Well, useless, we have 14% already plus every second hit we leech to full health no matter what (Reaping Strike + Feral Hunger). So it comes down to ~attack speed versus crit damage, and crit damage is a much bigger gain here. Plus we have more + shaman skills on our gear. Pretty simple if you think about it.

Gonna heavily disagree. 8% ADCTH, attack speed (specially this one because of how slow 2H are) and 135% damage beats crit damage. Crit damage is ever only useful if you stack a very large amount (like over 100% minimum) and combine it with very high OA (like 3300 minimum). Anything outside of that and crit damage is not as useful.