Saved games lost

hi, few weeks ago I installed FF and played for a couple of hours that night. the following days when I want to load my game, it’s empty. my saved games were lost including the autosave files. I started a new settlement. and for a couple of days of playing it looks normal. I can continue my progress from my last saved files. but today all of those are lost and there’s only a saved files from my first night playing FF.
how can I retrieve my progess? And please fix this.

really love the features of this game, but if I keep losing my progress after hours of playing, it sucks. thanks.

The game cannot wipe saves on its own.

Either software such as OneDrive is moving your files around, or you are having issues with Steam’s Cloud saves, which you can turn off from your Steam library.

it is every time the game is updating. i have the same issue, and i found ud its the updates. but i dont know how to stop it from wipe saves

i have same problem as Danny. I was playing FF 3 hours ago and now i wanted to continue my progres. I spend around 12h on one save and now its gone, game is brilliant but situations like this make me feel mad at this game. Pls respond something more then , its cloud problems"

I’m afraid I can’t respond with anything else because that is the issue. Turning off cloud saves should resolve your issue.

if the main save and auto saves are gone then something other than FF moved them or deleted them.
Did you try a full PC search for the files? Make sure you search cloud drives as well.

one drive and steam cloud saves are total crap.

okay i find some autosaves deep in one drive could, where should i paste them

Saves belong in here:
C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\my games\Farthest Frontier\Save

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okay iq u are right, i will set it off and give feedback later, ty for fast repond btw <3

need help again :frowning:
it seems that my saves are in correct place and they where there whole time, and now idk why game cant read them
any advice ?

Could still be OneDrive redirecting the files. Try disabling it.

I looked at my local data and my saved files are still there. but I don’t know how to do with it. the files is .SAV

i disabled both of clouds (steam and one drive) and still nothing

Can you share an image of your save directory with one of the save file folders open?


yes. I found out that my saved files are still in my local data. but I don’t know how to do with it. it’s .SAV files

A normal save is a folder_####### with a .map core file and .sav files for each save you made.

something like this ?

like this?

And you do not see those in the load menu in-game?

I see OneDrive is still up. My only conclusion remains that it is interfering.

Can I see the full folder structure please.

Also, your town’s name is Doomstown but the saves are Lycorisville? Is that something you deliberately did while playing or is this a mix of two different saves?