Scion of the Screaming Veil - Templar build attempt

Since the latest update released I have had the good luck to get this from one of the new monster shrines.

Here’s the build:

I’ve already seen some Oppressor builds built around it but wanted to try and make a Templar to take advantage of the Callidor’s Tempest bonuses. I have also never, ever used Callidor’s Tempest so this whole idea may be fatally flawed.

The idea is to attack with RF and use CT when it comes off CD as an AOE nuke+heal. Smite would provide additional RR from all the set/gear bonuses.

OA/DA is solid and Armor is decent. Judgement provides a bit of CC and DA shred.

I struggled with overcapping resists sufficiently and am on the fence about the relic used.

Is there a better set that could support an Aether RF Templar besides Bonemonger? Is this also just a bad idea since Bonemomger appears to favor Oppressor?

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Well, you could go Kriegs set. It has a few bonuses to Reckless that might compliment your idea of RF spam.

But I’d suggest looking at the aether->fire side and Vanquisher’s set + MI belt for aether->fire convert. It has good bonuses for WD on CT and you could use fire RR guardians. The biggest issue with aether is that you don’t have a dot component. If you are carrying a lot of burn, you might as well go all fire :man_shrugging:

I did take a look at Krieg and I have a level 100 DK from back when AOM first came out wearing the full set. Its not really what I wanted though.

I really wanted to build something around the phys > aether conversion on the Screaming Veil hammer since it sounds interesting and a bit different. The chance to use CT as well was appealing since I’ve never used it before. I might look at swapping in the Agrivix set but the low armor may be an issue.

I think I currently have two Vanquisher set pieces, going to be a long time before I get the others.

I did the oppressor. Its still underperforming. Needs more flat aether to RF.

Still not terrible. Maybe they will tweak it a bit in the hotfix for the riftstone components.

The main problem is that there is not a lot of physical to convert in RF. Most of it is aether or fire or IT. Other than a small source in RF, there is a small bit on Rebuke. The physical conversion to retaliation is fairly negligible. Even the Hammer has no physical, except a small bit on the proc.

Smite seems fun, but it is only 25% chance and the physical portion isn’t that big here, either -relative to the total damage of the skill.

You might look at soldier (Warlord) for better returns on physical->aether? No idea on this.