[Script][Learning]Recipes & Blacksmith Integration

2.0 Blacksmith Integration

This part will deal with how to make a recipe become given by default, without having to find and learn it.

2.1 Setup

For this, we need the following database record file:


You should import it now, just as shown in 1.1 and open it.

Now we need to make the Asset Manager recognize the new item. To do this, hit f7 to build your mod or click Build -> Build.

2.2 Adding the recipe

After opening the record, go to “Artifact Tab”. It should look like this there:

Now double click the value of “craftingDefaultRecipes”. This window should open:

Click on “New” to add a new item to the list on the bottom. Than scroll down until you can see it and double click it:

Now click the […] button and navigate to your recipe, select it and press ok. If you did everything right, it should look like this (just with your recipe):

Now click “Apply” and afterwards “OK”. This should bring you back to the records editor.*

Now click File -> Save in the menu bar of the records editor to save your changes.

If you did all the above, hit f7 (or Build -> build) to build your mod. Congrats, you just created a new recipe and added it as default recipe to the blacksmith!

If you still got any questions, don’t hesitate to ask, I’ll try to answer as good as I can.